VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD is a thorn for integration of spacetime quantities, accepting integration volumes consisting of spherical shells, regions with hollowed balls, and simple spheres. Results from of integrals, such as the center of mass, can be used to track e.g. neutron stars.
We now briefly describe the volume integrals that can be performed using the VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD thorn.
We start by defining the “densitised density” (see e.g. [1]) \begin {equation} \rho _{\star } \equiv \alpha \sqrt {\gamma }\rho _{\rm b} u^{0} = W\rho _{\rm b}\sqrt {\gamma }, \end {equation} where \(\alpha \) is the lapse function, \(\gamma \) is the determinant of the physical spatial metric \(\gamma _{ij}\), \(\rho _{\rm b}\) is the baryonic density, \(u^{\mu }\) is the fluid four-velocity, and \(W\equiv \alpha u^{0}\) is the Lorentz factor. The rest mass integral is then given by \begin {equation} \boxed { M_{0} = \int \rho _{\star } dV = \int \left (W\rho _{\rm b}\sqrt {\gamma }\right )dV }\; . \end {equation} The volume \(V\) can be specified using spherical shells, regions with hollowed balls, and simple spheres. It can also be set to the entire computational domain.
The coordinates of center of mass \(X^{i}\) are computed from the integral \begin {equation} \boxed { X^{i} = \frac {\int \rho _{\star } x^{i}dV}{\int \rho _{\star } dV} }\; , \end {equation} where \(x^{i}\) is the position vector. The volume \(V\) can be specified using spherical shells, regions with hollowed balls, and simple spheres. It can also be set to the entire domain size.
This thorn also provides the functionality of performing a volume integral with a unit integrand, which should just yield the volume of the integrated region, i.e. \begin {equation} \boxed { V = \int dV }\; . \end {equation}
Except for the definition of the integrands, the behavior of this thorn is almost completely driver by the configuration of the parameter file. We present here an example of such a parameter file, which performs the following tasks:
Integrate the entire volume with an integrand of 1. (used for testing/validation purposes only).
Perform all four integrals required to compute the center of mass (numerator=3, denominator=1 integral), in an integration volume originally centered at \((x,y,z)=(-15.2,0,0)\) with a coordinate radius of 13.5 Also use the center of mass integral result to SET the ZEROTH AMR center. In this way, the AMR grids will track the center of mass as computed by this integration.
Same as 2, except use the integrand=1 (for validation purposes, to ensure the integration volume is approximately \((4/3)\pi 13.5^3\)). Also disable tracking of this integration volume.
Same as 2, except for the neutron star originally centered at \((x,y,z)=(+15.2,0,0)\).
Same as 4, except use the integrand=1 (for validation purposes, to ensure the integration volume is approximately \((4/3)\pi 13.5^3\)). Also disable tracking of this integration volume.
Perform rest-mass integrals over entire volume.
To achieve this, add the following configuration to your parameter file:
ActiveThorns = "VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD" # Set number of integrals VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::NumIntegrals = 6 # Set frequency of integration. If tracking AMR centres this should # match the regridding frequency of the thorn CactusRegrid2 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::VolIntegral_out_every = 32 # Enable file output VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::enable_file_output = 1 # Set output directory VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::outVolIntegral_dir = "volume_integration" # Set verbose level. 0 disables it, 1 provides useful # information, and 2 is very verbose. VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::verbose = 1 # The AMR centre will only track the first referenced # integration quantities that track said centre. # Integral #1: unit integrand VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::Integration_quantity_keyword[1] = "one" # Integral #2: CoM VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::Integration_quantity_keyword[2] = "centerofmass" # Integral #3: unit integrand VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::Integration_quantity_keyword[3] = "one" # Integral #4: CoM VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::Integration_quantity_keyword[4] = "centerofmass" # Integral #5: unit integrand VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::Integration_quantity_keyword[5] = "one" # Integral #6: rest mass VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::Integration_quantity_keyword[6] = "restmass" # Set radius of integration for integral #2 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_sphere__center_x_initial [2] = -15.2 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_inside_sphere__radius [2] = 13.5 # Let the result of integral #2 track the grid centre 0 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::amr_centre__tracks__volintegral_inside_sphere[2] = 0 # Set radius of integrattion for integral #3 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_sphere__center_x_initial [3] = -15.2 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_inside_sphere__radius [3] = 13.5 # Set radius of integration for integral #4 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_sphere__center_x_initial [4] = 15.2 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_inside_sphere__radius [4] = 13.5 # Let the result of integral #4 track the grid centre 1 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::amr_centre__tracks__volintegral_inside_sphere[4] = 1 # Set radius of integrattion for integral #5 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_sphere__center_x_initial [5] = 15.2 VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD::volintegral_inside_sphere__radius [5] = 13.5
[1] M.D. Duez, Y.T. Liu, S.L. Shapiro, and B.C. Stephens, Relativistic magnetohydrodynamics in dynamical spacetimes: Numerical methods and tests, Physical Review D, 72, 2, 024028 (2005).
amr_centre__tracks__volintegral_inside_sphere | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Use output from volume integral to move AMR box centre N.
| ||
Range | Default: -1 | |
| -1 = do not track an AMR box centre. Otherwise
track AMR box centre number N = [0,100]
| |
com_integrand_gamma_speed_limit | Scope: private | REAL |
| ||
Range | Default: 1e4 | |
0:* | Any positive number
| |
enable_file_output | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Enable output file
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
0:1 | 0 = no output; 1 = yes, output to file
| |
enable_time_reparameterization | Scope: private | BOOLEAN |
Description: Enable time reparameterization a la http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.6523
| ||
Default: no | ||
integration_quantity_keyword | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Which quantity to integrate
| ||
Range | Default: nothing | |
nothing | Default, null parameter
| |
see [1] below
| Use
integrands from step(s) immediately preceeding.
Useful for Swiss-cheese-type volume integrations.
| |
centerofmass | Center of Mass
| |
restmass | Rest Mass
| |
one | Integrand = 1. Useful for debugging
| |
numintegrals | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Number of volume integrals to perform
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
0:* | zero (disable integration) or some other integer.
| |
outvolintegral_dir | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Output directory for volume integration output files, overrides IO::out_dir
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
.+ | A valid directory name
| |
![]() | An empty string to choose the default from
| |
verbose | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Set verbosity level: 1=useful info; 2=moderately annoying (though useful for
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
| 0 = no output; 1=useful info; 2=moderately
annoying (though useful for debugging)
| |
viv_time_reparam_t0 | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Time reparameterization parameter t_0: Center of time reparameterization curve.
SET TO BE SAME AS IN ImprovedPunctureGauge thorn
| ||
Range | Default: 10.0 | |
| Probably don’t want to set this <0, so >=0
| |
viv_time_reparam_w | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Time reparameterization parameter w: Width of time reparameterization curve. SET
TO BE SAME AS IN ImprovedPunctureGauge thorn
| ||
Range | Default: 5.0 | |
| Probably don’t want to set this <0, so >=0
| |
volintegral_inside_sphere__radius | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Volume integral in a spherical region: radius of spherical region
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
*:* | Any number
| |
volintegral_out_every | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How often to compute volume integrals?
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
0:* | zero (disable integration) or some other integer.
| |
volintegral_outside_sphere__radius | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Volume integral outside a spherical region: radius of spherical region
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
*:* | Any number
| |
volintegral_sphere__center_x_initial | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Volume integral in a spherical region: x-coord of center(s)
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
*:* | Any number
| |
volintegral_sphere__center_y_initial | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Volume integral in a spherical region: y-coord of center(s)
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
*:* | Any number
| |
volintegral_sphere__center_z_initial | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Volume integral in a spherical region: z-coord of center(s)
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
*:* | Any number
| |
volintegral_sphere__tracks__amr_centre | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Volume integral tracks AMR box centre N.
| ||
Range | Default: -1 | |
| -1 = do not track an AMR box centre. Otherwise
track AMR box centre number N = [0,100]
| |
volintegral_usepreviousintegrands_num_integrands | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Number of integrands for usepreviousintegrands, must be specified explicitly as
information from previous integrand is not passed.
| ||
Range | Default: 4 | |
0:100 | Default is set to the maximum, 4.
| |
out_dir | Scope: shared from IO | STRING |
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
volintegrands | compact | 0 | |
VolIntegrand1 | dimensions | 3 | |
VolIntegrand2 | distribution | DEFAULT | |
VolIntegrand3 | group type | GF | |
VolIntegrand4 | tags | InterpNumTimelevels=1 prolongation=”none” Checkpoint=”no” | |
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
volintegrals | compact | 0 | |
VolIntegral | description | Volume integrals | |
description | post-sum. The first dimension denotes which integral(s) | ||
VolIntegral | description | and the second denotes the values of the integral(s). E.g. | |
VolIntegral | description | a center of mass volume integral will have 3 outputs. | |
dimensions | 2 | ||
distribution | CONSTANT | ||
group type | ARRAY | ||
size | 101 | ||
size | 4 | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
movingsphregionintegrals | compact | 0 | |
volintegral_inside_sphere__center_x | description | Specify regions for volume integrals inside/outside spheres THAT MOVE. | |
volintegral_inside_sphere__center_y | dimensions | 1 | |
volintegral_inside_sphere__center_z | distribution | CONSTANT | |
volintegral_outside_sphere__center_x | group type | ARRAY | |
volintegral_outside_sphere__center_y | size | 101 | |
volintegral_outside_sphere__center_z | timelevels | 1 | |
variable type | REAL | ||
integralcountervar | compact | 0 | |
IntegralCounter | description | Counter that keeps track of which integral we are calculating. | |
dimensions | 0 | ||
distribution | CONSTANT | ||
group type | SCALAR | ||
tags | checkpoint=”no” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | INT | ||
volintegrals_vacuum_time | compact | 0 | |
physical_time | description | keeps track of the physical time | |
description | in case time coordinate is reparameterized | ||
physical_time | description | a la http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.6523 | |
dimensions | 0 | ||
distribution | CONSTANT | ||
group type | SCALAR | ||
tags | checkpoint=”no” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
This section lists all the variables which are assigned storage by thorn WVUThorns_Diagnostics/VolumeIntegrals_GRMHD. Storage can either last for the duration of the run (Always means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned, Conditional means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned for the duration of the run if some condition is met), or can be turned on for the duration of a schedule function.
Always: | |
VolIntegrands VolIntegrals MovingSphRegionIntegrals IntegralCounterVar VolIntegrals_vacuum_time | |
CCTK_INITIAL (conditional)
create directory for vi grmhd file output.
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
create directory for vi grmhd file output.
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
initialize integralcounter variable to zero
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
Type: | function | |
initialize integralcounter variable to zero
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
Type: | function | |
initialize integralcounter variable
Before: | vi_grmhd_volumeintegralgroup | |
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
Type: | function | |
evaluate all volume integrals
Before: | carpetlib_printtimestats | |
carpetlib_printmemstats | ||
Type: | group | |
While: | volumeintegrals_grmhd::integralcounter | |
compute integrand
Before: | dosum | |
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
loop-local | ||
Storage: | volintegrands | |
volintegrals | ||
movingsphregionintegrals | ||
Type: | function | |
do sum
After: | computeintegrand | |
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
Type: | function | |
decrement integralcounter variable
After: | dosum | |
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
Type: | function | |
output volumeintegral results to disk
After: | vi_grmhd_volumeintegralgroup | |
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
Type: | function | |