We extend the TwoPunctures thorn to generate initial data for black hole binaries taking into account back-reaction from a massive, complex scalar field minimally-coupled to gravity.
We consider a complex scalar field \(\Phi \) of mass \(m_S\) minimally coupled to gravity, which is described by the action \begin {equation} S = \int \mathrm {d}^4 x \sqrt {-g} \bracket { \frac {^{(4)}R}{16\pi } - \frac {1}{2} g^{\mu \nu } \nabla _{(\mu } \Phi ^* \nabla _{\nu )} \Phi - \frac {\mu _S^2}{2} \Phi ^* \Phi }. \end {equation} Here, \(\Phi \) is the scalar field and \(\Phi ^*\) its complex conjugate, \(g_{\mu \nu }\) is the spacetime metric with \(g=\det (g_{\mu \nu })\), \(\nabla _\mu \) is the covariant derivative, and \(^{(4)}R\) is the Ricci scalar in four dimensions. The mass parameter \(\mu _S\) of the scalar field is related to \(m_S\) through \(m_S = \mu _S\hbar \). This action leads to the equations of motion \begin {align} & G_{\mu \nu } = 8\pi T_{\mu \nu }, \\ & (\Box -\mu _S^2) \Phi = 0, \end {align}
where the stress-energy tensor is given by \begin {equation} T_{\mu \nu } = \nabla _{(\mu } \Phi ^* \nabla _{\nu )} \Phi - \frac {1}{2} g_{\mu \nu } \Big [ g^{\alpha \beta } \nabla _{(\alpha } \Phi ^* \nabla _{\beta )} \Phi + \mu _S^2 \Phi ^*\Phi \Big ], \end {equation} and the d’Alembertian is \begin {equation} \Box = \frac {1}{\sqrt {-g}} \partial _\mu ( \sqrt {-g} g^{\mu \nu } \partial _\nu ). \end {equation}
Under the 3+1 formalism, the scalar field contributes to the spacetime through the energy density \(\rho \), energy-momentum flux \(j_i\), and the purely spatial stress tensor \(S_{ij}\), given respectively by \begin {align} \rho = n^\mu n^\nu T_{\mu \nu } &= 2 \Pi ^* \Pi + \frac {\mu _S^2}{2} \Phi ^* \Phi + \frac {1}{2} D_k\Phi ^* D^k \Phi , \\ j_i = -\gamma _i^\mu n^\nu T_{\mu \nu } &= \Pi ^* D_i\Phi + \Pi D_i\Phi ^*, \\ S_{ij} = \gamma _i ^\mu \gamma _j^\nu T_{\mu \nu } &= D_{(i}\Phi ^* D_{j)}\Phi + \frac {1}{2} \gamma _{ij} (4\Pi ^* \Pi - \mu _S^2 \Phi ^* \Phi - D^k\Phi ^* D_k\Phi ), \end {align}
where \(D_i\) is the spatial covariant derivative with respect to the 3-metric \(\gamma _{ij}\). Here, the scalar field momentum \(\Pi \) is defined using the Lie derivative along the normal vector \(n^\mu \) as \begin {equation} \Pi \equiv - \frac {1}{2} \mathcal {L}_n \Phi . \end {equation} For us to use the Bowen-York solution to the momentum constraint equation as in TwoPunctures, we need to specify the scalar field such that the momentum constraint reduces to its vacuum counterpart. To this end, we limit ourselves to initial configurations of the scalar field for which the scalar field momentum vanishes: \(\Pi (t=0)=0\). This requirement can be satisfied under the condition that the scalar field is time-independent, along with a shift vector that vanishesat the initial time.
To construct the initial data, we solve the Hamiltonian constraint equation describing black holes with linear momenta \(\vec {P}_a\) and spins \(\vec {S}_a\).
Let us perform a conformal decomposition of the physical metric as \(\gamma _{ij}=\psi ^4\bar {\gamma }_{ij}\), where \(\psi \) is the conformal factor and \(\bar {\gamma }_{ij}\) is the conformal metric. Then, the Hamiltonian constraint equation takes the form \begin {equation} \bar {D}^2 \psi - \frac {1}{8} \psi \bar {R} + \frac {1}{8} \psi ^5 (K_{ij}K^{ij} - K^2 ) + 2\pi \psi ^5 \rho = 0, \end {equation} where \(\bar {D}^2\) is the conformal Laplacian operator, \(\bar {R}\) is the conformal Ricci scalar, and \(K_{ij}\) is the extrinsic curvature. Further decomposing \(K_{ij}\) into its trace \(K\) and trace-free parts \(A_{ij}\), and performing a conformal decomposition as \begin {equation} A_{ij} = \psi ^{-2}\bar {A}_{ij}, \quad \quad A^{ij} = \psi ^{-10}\bar {A}^{ij}, \end {equation} we obtain the general form of the Hamiltonian constraint in the York-Lichnerowicz approach \begin {equation} \bar {D}^2 \psi - \frac {1}{8} \psi \bar {R} + \frac {1}{8} \psi ^{-7} \bar {A}_{ij}\bar {A}^{ij} - \frac {1}{12} \psi ^5 K^2 + 2\pi \psi ^5 \rho = 0. \end {equation}
Now let us introduce a series of assumptions for the puncture method [2]. Assuming asymptotic flatness, the conformal factor has the behavior \(\psi \simeq 1 + \psi _{\rm BL}\) at large \(r\), where the \(\psi _{\rm BL}\) is the Brill-Lindquist solution \begin {equation} \psi _{\rm BL} \equiv \sum _{a=1}^2 \frac {m_a}{2|\vec {r} - \vec {r}_a|}, \end {equation} with \(m_a\) and \(\vec {r}_a\) denoting the bare mass and location of the \(a\)-th black hole. Now, the main idea behind the puncture method is to separate the singular piece of the conformal factor by writing \( \psi = \psi _{\rm BL} + u \), where \(u\) is the function to be solved. It follows that the flat Laplacian of \(\psi \) reduces to \(\bar {D}^2 u\) in the punctured domain \(\mathbb {R}^3\setminus \{\vec {r}_i\}\). To satisfy the vacuum momentum constraint equations, we write the conformal tracefree extrinsic curvature \(\bar {A}_{ij}\) as a superposition \begin {equation} \bar {A}^{ij} = \sum _{a=1}^2 \bar {A}_a^{ij} \end {equation} of Bowen-York solutions for each puncture \begin {equation} \bar {A}_a^{ij} = \frac {3}{2r^2} \Big [ n^i P_a^j + n^j P_a^i + n_k P_a^k (n^i n^j - \delta ^{ij}) \Big ] - \frac {3}{r^3} (\epsilon ^{ilk} n^j + \epsilon ^{jlk} n^i) n_l {(S_a)}_k. \end {equation} Finally, assuming conformal flatness (\(\bar {\gamma }_{ij} = \eta _{ij}\)) and maximal slicing condition (\(K=0\)), the Hamiltonian constraint equation reduces to \begin {equation} \Delta u + \frac {1}{8} (\psi _{\rm BL} + u)^{-7} \bar {A}_{ij} \bar {A}^{ij} + 2\pi (\psi _{\rm BL} + u)^5 \rho = 0, \label {scalar_TwoPunctures_BBHSF_eq:ham_twopunctures} \end {equation} where \(\Delta =\partial _k \partial ^k\) is the flat Laplacian operator. The first two terms above constitute the vacuum equations solved in the standard TwoPunctures thorn. The third term, on the other hand, contains the contribution from the matter energy density \(\rho \). Whereas in TwoPunctures the energy density can be rescaled 1 according to \(\rho = \psi ^8 \bar {\rho }\), here, the massive scalar field contributes two terms with different powers of \(\psi \) \begin {align} \rho &= \frac {\mu _S^2}{2} \Phi ^* \Phi + \frac {1}{2} \gamma ^{ij} D_i\Phi ^* D_j \Phi \nonumber \\ &= \frac {\mu _S^2}{2} \Phi ^* \Phi + \frac {1}{2} \psi ^{-4} \partial _k\Phi ^* \partial ^k \Phi , \label {scalar_TwoPunctures_BBHSF_eq:rho} \end {align}
so a naïve conformal rescaling of \(\rho \) does not work. As a workaround, we choose to perform a conformal rescaling on the scalar field \(\Phi \) itself.
Let us rescale the scalar field with a generic power \(\delta \) of the conformal factor \begin {equation} \Phi = \psi ^\delta \bar {\Phi }, \quad \Phi ^* = \psi ^\delta \bar {\Phi }^*, \end {equation} where \(\delta \) is a constant parameter to be chosen and \(\Bar {\Phi }\) is the conformal scalar field. The goal is to find a suitable power \(\delta \) such that the linearized Hamiltonian constraint equation forms a well-posed elliptic problem. Inserting Eq. (??) and using the rescaled scalar field, Eq. (11) can be rewritten as \begin {align} \Delta \psi + \frac {1}{8} \psi ^{-7} \bar {A}_{ij} \bar {A}^{ij} + &\pi \psi ^{2\delta + 5} \mu _S^2 \bar {\Phi }^* \bar {\Phi } \nonumber \\ + &\pi \psi ^{2\delta + 1} (\partial _i\bar {\Phi }^*) (\partial ^i\bar {\Phi }) \nonumber \\ + \delta &\pi \psi ^{2\delta }\quad (\partial _i\psi ) ( \bar {\Phi }^* \partial ^i\bar {\Phi } + \bar {\Phi } \partial ^i\bar {\Phi }^* ) \nonumber \\ + \delta ^2 &\pi \psi ^{2\delta -1} (\partial _i\psi ) (\partial ^i\psi ) \bar {\Phi }^* \bar {\Phi } \quad \quad \quad \quad = 0, \label {scalar_TwoPunctures_BBHSF_eq:nonlin_ham_eq} \end {align}
with the conformal factor \begin {align} \psi &= \psi _{\rm BL} + u, \\ \partial _i\psi &= \partial _i\psi _{\rm BL} + \partial _i u. \end {align}
Writing the correction function as \(u = u_0 + \epsilon \) with \(u_0\) a known solution and \(|\epsilon |\ll u_0\), we can expand Eq. (??) to first order in \(\epsilon \), giving the linearized equation \begin {align} \Delta \epsilon - \epsilon \Bigg [ \frac {7}{8} \psi ^{-8} \bar {A}_{ij} \bar {A}^{ij} - (2\delta + 5) \pi &\psi _0^{2\delta + 4} \mu _S^2 \bar {\Phi }^* \bar {\Phi } \nonumber \\ - (2\delta + 1) \pi &\psi _0^{2\delta }\quad (\partial _i\bar {\Phi }^*) (\partial ^i\bar {\Phi }) \nonumber \\ -\ \ (2\delta )\ \ \delta \pi &\psi _0^{2\delta -1} (\partial _i\psi _0) ( \bar {\Phi }^* \partial ^i\bar {\Phi } + \bar {\Phi } \partial ^i\bar {\Phi }^* ) \nonumber \\ - (2\delta -1) \delta ^2 \pi &\psi _0^{2\delta -2} (\partial _i\psi _0) (\partial ^i\psi _0) \bar {\Phi }^* \bar {\Phi } \quad \quad \quad \quad \Big ] \nonumber \\ + (\partial _i\epsilon ) \Big [ \delta \pi \psi _0^{2\delta } ( \bar {\Phi }^* \partial ^i\bar {\Phi } &+ \bar {\Phi } \partial ^i\bar {\Phi }^* ) + \delta ^2 \pi \psi _0^{2\delta -1} (\partial ^i\psi _0) \bar {\Phi }^* \bar {\Phi } \Big ]= 0, \label {scalar_TwoPunctures_BBHSF_eq:lin_ham_eq} \end {align}
where the conformal factor \(\psi _0\) is defined as \begin {align} \psi _0 &= \psi _{\rm BL} + u_0, \\ \partial _i \psi _0 &= \partial _i \psi _{\rm BL} + \partial _i u_0. \end {align}
Equations (??) and (??) constitute our main result. We see that for any choice of \(\delta < -2.5\), Eq. (??) takes the form of \begin {equation} \Delta \epsilon - h \epsilon = 0 \end {equation} with \(h>0\), so it is well-posed as an elliptic equation in \(u\), and its numerical solution is unique and stable.
The Eqs. (??) and (??) are implemented in Equations.c of the thorn TwoPunctures_BBHSF. In testing the initial data constructed this way, we found no significant difference in the resulting metric and constraint violation when using different values of the parameter \(\delta < -2.5\). By default, \(\delta \) is set to be \(-3\) in the thorn.
We consider scalar field configurations with a Gaussian radial profile and zero momentum \begin {equation} \bar {\Phi }(t=0) = A_{\rm SF} Z(\theta , \phi ) e^{-(r-r_0)^2/w^2}, \quad \Pi (t=0) = 0, \end {equation} where \(A_{\rm SF}, r_0, w\) are constant parameters and \(Z(\theta , \phi )\) encodes the angular dependence. In the file SF_source_term.c of the thorn, we have implemented the \(l=m=0\) (monopole) and \(l=m=1\) (dipole) spherical harmonics modes as options for \(Z(\theta , \phi )\): \begin {align} Y_{0,0}(\theta , \phi ) &= \sqrt {\frac {1}{4\pi }}, \\ Y_{1,1}(\theta , \phi ) &= -\sqrt {\frac {3}{8\pi }} \sin \theta \ (\cos \phi + i \sin \phi ). \end {align}
In addition, Cartesian derivatives of \(\bar {\Phi }\) are computed, so this thorn replaces the use of ScalarInit (which only computes \(\Phi \) and does not conformally rescale the scalar fields) when initializing the scalar field grid functions. If one wishes to use a different initial scalar configuration than currently implemented, they should supply the corresponding fields and source terms to SF_source_term.c.
The parameter TwoPunctures_BBHSF::switch_on_back-reaction is used to control whether the scalar field is included in the metric initial data calculation. To remove the back-reaction from the metric ID calculation, it is sufficient to set TwoPunctures_BBHSF::switch_on_back-reaction = no, and that will reduce to the standard TwoPunctures.
To enable back-reaction during the evolution, one is reminded to set TmunuBase::stress_energy_at_RHS = yes. If using LeanBSSNMoL for the spacetime evolution, one should also set LeanBSSNMoL::couple_Tab = 1.
[1] M. Ansorg, B. Bruegmann and W. Tichy, “A Single-domain spectral method for black hole puncture data,” Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004), 064011 doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.70.064011 [arXiv:gr-qc/0404056 [gr-qc]].
[2] S. Brandt and B. Bruegmann, “A Simple construction of initial data for multiple black holes,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3606-3609 (1997) doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.3606 [arXiv:gr-qc/9703066 [gr-qc]].
[3] E. Gourgoulhon, “3+1 formalism and bases of numerical relativity,” [arXiv:gr-qc/0703035 [gr-qc]].
adm_tol | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: Tolerance of ADM masses when give_bare_mass=no
| ||
Range | Default: 1.0e-10 | |
(0:*) | ||
ampsf | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: amplitude of Gaussian wave packet
| ||
Range | Default: 1.0 | |
*:* | any value possible
| |
center_offset | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: offset b=0 to position (x,y,z)
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
(*:*) | ||
delta | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: Exponent delta for conformal decomposition of the scalar field ∖phi = ∖psi
![]() | ||
Range | Default: -3.0 | |
(*:*) | Should be negative and less than -3
| |
do_initial_debug_output | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Output debug information about initial guess
| ||
Default: no | ||
do_residuum_debug_output | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Output debug information about the residuum
| ||
Default: no | ||
give_bare_mass | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: User provides bare masses rather than target ADM masses
| ||
Default: yes | ||
grid_setup_method | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: How to fill the 3D grid from the spectral grid
| ||
Range | Default: Taylor expansion | |
Taylor expansion
| use a Taylor expansion about the nearest collocation point (fast, but
might be inaccurate)
| |
evaluation | evaluate using all spectral coefficients (slow)
| |
initial_lapse_psi_exponent | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: Exponent n for psi
![]() | ||
Range | Default: -2.0 | |
(*:*) | Should be negative
| |
keep_u_around | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Keep the variable u around after solving
| ||
Default: no | ||
l0sf | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: angular quantum number
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
| for now we’ve implemented the spherical harmonics only up to
| |
m0sf | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: azimuthal quantum number
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
| for now we’ve implemented the spherical harmonics only up to
| |
multiply_old_lapse | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Multiply the old lapse with the new one
| ||
Default: no | ||
newton_maxit | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: Maximum number of Newton iterations
| ||
Range | Default: 5 | |
0:* | ||
newton_tol | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: Tolerance for Newton solver
| ||
Range | Default: 1.0e-10 | |
(0:*) | ||
npoints_a | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: Number of coefficients in the compactified radial direction
| ||
Range | Default: 30 | |
4:* | ||
npoints_b | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: Number of coefficients in the angular direction
| ||
Range | Default: 30 | |
4:* | ||
npoints_phi | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: Number of coefficients in the phi direction
| ||
Range | Default: 16 | |
4:*:2 | ||
par_b | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: x coordinate of the m+ puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 1.0 | |
(0.0:*) | ||
par_m_minus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: mass of the m- puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 1.0 | |
0.0:*) | ||
par_m_plus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: mass of the m+ puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 1.0 | |
0.0:*) | ||
par_p_minus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: momentum of the m- puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
(*:*) | ||
par_p_plus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: momentum of the m+ puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
(*:*) | ||
par_s_minus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: spin of the m- puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
(*:*) | ||
par_s_plus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: spin of the m+ puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
(*:*) | ||
r0sf | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: location of Gaussian wave packet
| ||
Range | Default: 10.0 | |
0:* | any positive value possible
| |
rescale_sources | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: If sources are used - rescale them after solving?
| ||
Default: yes | ||
scalar_gaussprofile | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Which mode composition for the Gaussian?
| ||
Range | Default: single_mode | |
single_mode | single mode initial data with (l0,m0)
| |
superpose_ID010 | superpose Y00, Y10 as initial data
| |
superpose_ID011 | superpose Y00, Y11 as initial data
| |
superpose_ID01011 | superpose Y00, Y10, Y11 as initial data
| |
superpose_ID012 | superpose Y10 + Y11 + Y20 + Y22 as initial data
| |
schedule_in_admbase_initialdata | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Schedule in (instead of after) ADMBase_InitialData
| ||
Default: yes | ||
solve_momentum_constraint | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Solve for momentum constraint?
| ||
Default: no | ||
swap_xz | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Swap x and z coordinates when interpolating, so that the black holes are separated
in the z direction
| ||
Default: no | ||
switch_on_backreaction | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Choice for switching on scalar field correction terms to Hamiltonain constraint
| ||
Default: no | ||
target_m_minus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: target ADM mass for m-
| ||
Range | Default: 0.5 | |
0.0:*) | ||
target_m_plus | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: target ADM mass for m+
| ||
Range | Default: 0.5 | |
0.0:*) | ||
tp_epsilon | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: A small number to smooth out singularities at the puncture locations
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
0:* | ||
tp_extend_radius | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: Radius of an extended spacetime instead of the puncture
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
0:* | anything positive, should be smaller than the horizon
| |
tp_tiny | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: Tiny number to avoid nans near or at the pucture locations
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
0:* | anything positive, usually very small
| |
use_external_initial_guess | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Set initial guess by external function?
| ||
Default: no | ||
use_sources | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Use sources?
| ||
Default: no | ||
verbose | Scope: restricted | BOOLEAN |
Description: Print screen output while solving
| ||
Default: no | ||
widthsf | Scope: restricted | REAL |
Description: width of Gaussian wave packet
| ||
Range | Default: 2.0 | |
0:* | any positive value possible
| |
conformal_storage | Scope: shared from STATICCONFORMAL | KEYWORD |
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
puncture_u | puncture_u | compact | 0 |
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | prolongation=”none” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
energy | compact | 0 | |
E | description | ADM energy of the Bowen-York spacetime | |
dimensions | 0 | ||
distribution | CONSTANT | ||
group type | SCALAR | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
angular_momentum | compact | 0 | |
J1 | description | Angular momentum of the Bowen-York spacetime | |
J2 | dimensions | 0 | |
J3 | distribution | CONSTANT | |
group type | SCALAR | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
bare_mass | compact | 0 | |
mp | description | Bare masses of the punctures | |
mm | dimensions | 0 | |
distribution | CONSTANT | ||
group type | SCALAR | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
puncture_adm_mass | compact | 0 | |
mp_adm | description | ADM masses of the punctures (measured at the other spatial infinities) | |
mm_adm | dimensions | 0 | |
distribution | CONSTANT | ||
group type | SCALAR | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
This section lists all the variables which are assigned storage by thorn Scalar/TwoPunctures_BBHSF. Storage can either last for the duration of the run (Always means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned, Conditional means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned for the duration of the run if some condition is met), or can be turned on for the duration of a schedule function.
Conditional: | |
energy angular_momentum puncture_adm_mass bare_mass | |
puncture_u | |
CCTK_PARAMCHECK (conditional)
check parameters and thorn needs
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
ADMBase_InitialData (conditional)
twopunctures initial data group
Type: | group | |
CCTK_INITIAL (conditional)
twopunctures initial data group
After: | admbase_initialdata | |
hydrobase_initial | ||
Before: | admbase_postinitial | |
settmunu | ||
hydrobase_prim2coninitial | ||
Type: | group | |
TwoPunctures_BBHSF_Group (conditional)
create puncture black hole initial data
Language: | c | |
Reads: | grid::coordinates(everywhere) | |
Storage: | puncture_u | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | twopunctures_bbhsf::mp(everywhere) | |
twopunctures_bbhsf::mm(everywhere) | ||
twopunctures_bbhsf::mp_adm(everywhere) | ||
twopunctures_bbhsf::mm_adm(everywhere) | ||
twopunctures_bbhsf::e(everywhere) | ||
twopunctures_bbhsf::j1(everywhere) | ||
twopunctures_bbhsf::j2(everywhere) | ||
twopunctures_bbhsf::j3(everywhere) | ||
twopunctures_bbhsf::puncture_u(everywhere) | ||
staticconformal::conformal_state(everywhere) | ||
staticconformal::confac_2derivs(everywhere) | ||
staticconformal::confac_1derivs(everywhere) | ||
staticconformal::confac(everywhere) | ||
admbase::alp(everywhere) | ||
admbase::metric(everywhere) | ||
admbase::curv(everywhere) | ||
scalarbase::phi(everywhere) | ||
scalarbase::kphi(everywhere) | ||
TwoPunctures_BBHSF_Group (conditional)
output twopunctures metadata
After: | twopunctures_bbhsf | |
Language: | c | |
Options: | global | |
Type: | function | |