HydroBase extends the CactusEinstein framework to include an interface for magnetohydrodynamics to work within. HydroBase’s main function is to store the primitive variables, common among hydrodynamic simulations, commonly needed parameters, and schedule groups for the main functions of a hydrodynamics code. This has been done with an eye on Whisky, but can be used to implement any hydrodynamics formulation.
The idea behind this thorn is to create a slim, common set of variables, parameters and scheduling groups which can then be used by different hydrodynamics codes. It should contain the common concepts of different hydrodynamics codes, but at the same time it should be as slim as possible to remain as general as possible. HydroBase should not contain the actual source code of typical routines of hydrodynamics codes, it should merely provide a common setup in which hydrodynamics codes can put their routines.
Because there exist different formulations of the hydrodynamics equations and not all of them involve concepts like conserved variabled or treat them differently, which is the reason why these variables are not defined in HydroBase but this is left to the hydrodynamics codes.
One of the advantages of such a common base is that modules of hydrodynamics codes only working with entities defined in HydroBase could be used interchangeably. Prime examples for this are initial data solvers or importers and analysis modules. Another advantage is that the format of output generated by different hydrodynamics codes in Cactus would be the same, including variable names and unit conventions, which would improve the ability to compare results of different codes directly a lot.
HydroBase is to be used as a central part of hydrodynamics fields just as ADMBase is used as a central part of spacetime evolution and analysis codes. HydroBase only stores variables which are common to most if not all hydrodynamics codes solving the Euler equations, the so called primitive variables. These are also the variables which are needed to couple to a spacetime solver and which are usually needed by analysis thorns. The usage of a common set of variables by different hydrodynamics codes creates the possibility to share parts of the code, e.g. initial data solvers or analysis routines.
Currently the defined primitive variables are (see [1] for details):
: rest mass density \(\varrho \)
: pressure \(p\)
: specific internal energy \(\epsilon \)
: contravariant fluid three velocity \(v^i\) with respect to the Eulerian observer defined as \begin {equation} v^i = \frac {u^i}{\alpha u^0} + \frac {\beta ^i}{\alpha } \end {equation} in terms of the
four-velocity \(u^\mu \), lapse \(\alpha \), and shift vector \(\beta ^i\).
: electron fraction \(Y_e\)
: temperature \(T\)
: specific entropy per particle \(s\)
: contravariant magnetic field vector defined as \begin {equation} B^i = \frac {1}{\sqrt {4\pi }} n_{\nu } F^{*\nu i} \end {equation} in terms of the dual \(F^{*\mu \nu } = \frac {1}{2}\varepsilon ^{\mu \nu \alpha \beta }F_{\alpha \beta }\) to the Faraday tensor and
the unit normal of the foliation of spacetime \(n^\mu \).
HydroBase also sets up scheduling blocks that organize the main functions which modules of a hydrodynamics code may need. All of those scheduling blocks are optional, however if used, they might simplify existing codes and make them more interoperable. HydroBase itself does not schedule something inside most of the groups which it provides.
Currently the scheduling blocks are:
Initializing the primitive variables
Converting primitive variables to conservative variables
Calculating the right hand side (RHS) in the method of lines (MoL)
Setting and updating an excision mask
Applying boundary conditions
In this way the initiation of the primitive variables, methods to recover the conservative variables, and basic atmosphere handling can be implemented in different thorns while allowing a central access point for analysis thorns.
HydroBase does not require a specific set of units itself. However so that there are no misunderstandings between thorns a specific set of units is suggested. These units are derived from the conventions
which are commonly used in astrophysics and in relativity. The former sets the mass scale to the solar one and the latter adopts the same units for time, length and mass.
We assume the following definitions and constants of nature:
This corresponds to the following units for mass, length, time, and magnetic field:
Inserting the SI units into the above unit correspondences, we find the following conversion factors:
where T (Tesla) is the magnetic field unit in SI, \(1\,\mathrm {T}=1\,\mathrm {N/(A\cdot m)}\), and G (Gauss) is its cgs equivalent, \(1\,\mathrm {Tesla} = 10^4\,\mathrm {Gauss}\).
This thorn was produced by Tanja Bode, Roland Haas, Frank Löffler, and Erik Schnetter.
[1] J. A. Font. Numerical hydrodynamics in General Relativity. Living Rev. Relativity, 3, 2000. [Article in on-line journal], cited on 31/07/01, http://www.livingreviews.org/ Articles/Volume3/2000-2font/index.html.
[2] F. Banyuls, J. A. Font, J. M. A. Ibanez, J. M. A. Marti, and J. A. Miralles. Numerical 3+1 General Relativistic Hydrodynamics: A Local Characteristic Approach. ApJ, 476, 221, 1997.
[3] L. Antón, O. Zanotti, J. A. Miralles, J. M. Martí, J. M. Ibáñez, J. A. Font, and J. A Pons. Numerical 3+1 General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics: A Local Characteristic Approach. ApJ, 637, 296 – 312, 2006.
abar_evolution_method | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Evolution method for Abar
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | Evolution for Abar is disabled
| |
bvec_evolution_method | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Evolution method for Bvec
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | Evolution for Bvec is disabled
| |
entropy_evolution_method | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Evolution method for entropy
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | Evolution for entropy is disabled
| |
evolution_method | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: The hydro evolution method
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | hydro variables are not evolved
| |
hydro_excision | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: Turn on of off (default) storage for hydro excision
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
| Anything else than 0 turns hydro_excision on, added to by other
| |
initial_abar | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Initial value for Abar
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | inactive | |
| initially set to zero
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
initial_aphi | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Initial value for Aphi
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | inactive | |
| initially set to zero
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
initial_avec | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Initial value for Avec
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | inactive | |
| initially set to zero
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
initial_bvec | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Initial value for Bvec
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | inactive | |
| initially set to zero
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
initial_entropy | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Initial value for entropy
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | inactive | |
| initially set to zero
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
initial_hydro | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: The hydro initial data
| ||
Range | Default: zero | |
zero | hydro variables are set to vacuum (without atmosphere)
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
initial_temperature | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Initial value for temperature
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | inactive | |
| initially set to zero
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
initial_y_e | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Initial value for Y_e
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | inactive | |
| initially set to one
| |
read from file
| Read the initial data using the IOUtil file reader. Note that this only
allows you to read the data from a file, it does not actually do it. You
still have to programme the IOUtil file reader accordingly.
| |
prolongation_type | Scope: restricted | STRING |
Description: The prolongation operator used by Carpet for HydroBase variables
| ||
Range | Default: ENO | |
ENO | Third order ENO operators; only third order is implemented
| |
WENO | Fifth order WENO operators; only fifth order is implemented
| |
.* | Anything else
| |
temperature_evolution_method | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Evolution method for temperature
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | Evolution for temperature is disabled
| |
timelevels | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: Number of time levels in evolution scheme
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
1:3 | ||
y_e_evolution_method | Scope: restricted | KEYWORD |
Description: Evolution method for Y_e
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
none | Evolution for Y_e is disabled
| |
filereader_id_vars | Scope: shared from IO | STRING |
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
rho | rho | compact | 0 |
description | rest mass density | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
press | press | compact | 0 |
description | gas pressure | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
eps | eps | compact | 0 |
description | specific internal energy | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
vel | vel | compact | 0 |
description | velocity vî | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”U” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
vararray_size | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
w_lorentz | w_lorentz | compact | 0 |
description | Lorentz Factor | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
y_e | Y_e | compact | 0 |
description | Electron Fraction | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
abar | Abar | compact | 0 |
description | Average atomic mass [atomic mass unit] | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
temperature | temperature | compact | 0 |
description | Temperature [MeV] | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
entropy | entropy | compact | 0 |
description | Specific Entropy [k_b/baryon] | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
bvec | Bvec | compact | 0 |
description | Magnetic field components Bî | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”U” tensorparity=-1 interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
vararray_size | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
avec | Avec | compact | 0 |
description | Vector potential | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”D” jacobian=”jacobian” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
vararray_size | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
aphi | Aphi | compact | 0 |
description | Electric potential for Lorentz Gauge | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | ProlongationParameter=”HydroBase::prolongation_type” tensortypealias=”Scalar” jacobian=”jacobian” interpolator=”matter” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
hydro_excision_mask | hydro_excision_mask | compact | 0 |
description | Mask for hydro excision | ||
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | Prolongation=”None” checkpoint=”no” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | INT | ||
Adds header:
Uses header:
This section lists all the variables which are assigned storage by thorn EinsteinBase/HydroBase. Storage can either last for the duration of the run (Always means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned, Conditional means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned for the duration of the run if some condition is met), or can be turned on for the duration of a schedule function.
Always: | Conditional: |
rho[timelevels] | press[timelevels] |
eps[timelevels] | temperature[timelevels] |
vel[timelevels] | entropy[timelevels] |
w_lorentz[timelevels] | hydro_excision_mask |
Y_e[timelevels] | |
Abar[timelevels] | |
Bvec[timelevels] | |
Avec[timelevels] | |
Aphi[timelevels] | |
CCTK_INITIAL (conditional)
hydrobase initial data group
After: | admbase_initialdata | |
admbase_initialgauge | ||
ioutil_recoveridfromdatafiles | ||
Before: | admbase_postinitial | |
settmunu | ||
Type: | group | |
CCTK_STARTUP (conditional)
startup banner
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
CCTK_INITIAL (conditional)
recover the conservative variables from the primitive variables
After: | hydrobase_initial | |
Before: | settmunu | |
Type: | group | |
HydroBase_Initial (conditional)
set up vacuum hydro initial data
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | hydrobase::rho(everywhere) | |
rho_p(everywhere) | ||
rho_p_p(everywhere) | ||
hydrobase::vel(everywhere) | ||
vel_p(everywhere) | ||
vel_p_p(everywhere) | ||
hydrobase::w_lorentz(everywhere) | ||
w_lorentz_p(everywhere) | ||
w_lorentz_p_p(everywhere) | ||
hydrobase::eps(everywhere) | ||
eps_p(everywhere) | ||
eps_p_p(everywhere) | ||
hydrobase::abar(everywhere) | ||
abar_p(everywhere) | ||
abar_p_p(everywhere) | ||
hydrobase::temperature(everywhere) | ||
temperature_p(everywhere) | ||
temperature_p_p(everywhere) | ||
hydrobase::entropy(everywhere) | ||
entropy_p(everywhere) | ||
entropy_p_p(everywhere) | ||
HydroBase_Initial (conditional)
set electron fraction to 1
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | hydrobase::y_e(everywhere) | |
y_e_p(everywhere) | ||
y_e_p_p(everywhere) | ||
HydroBase_Initial (conditional)
set magnetic field to 0
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | hydrobase::bvec(everywhere) | |
bvec_p(everywhere) | ||
bvec_p_p(everywhere) | ||
HydroBase_Initial (conditional)
set vector potential to 0
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | hydrobase::avec(everywhere) | |
avec_p(everywhere) | ||
avec_p_p(everywhere) | ||
HydroBase_Initial (conditional)
set vector potential phi to 0
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | hydrobase::aphi(everywhere) | |
aphi_p(everywhere) | ||
aphi_p_p(everywhere) | ||
HydroBase_Initial (conditional)
set up hydro excision mask
Type: | group | |
set up hydro excision mask
Before: | mol_poststep | |
Type: | group | |
CCTK_POSTREGRID (conditional)
set up hydro excision mask
Before: | mol_poststep | |
Type: | group | |
set up hydro excision mask
Before: | mol_poststep | |
Type: | group | |
CCTK_PARAMCHECK (conditional)
check that hydrobase parameters are consistent
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
HydroBase_ExcisionMaskSetup (conditional)
initialize hydro excision mask to ’no excision everywhere’
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | hydrobase::hydro_excision_mask(everywhere) | |
CCTK_POSTSTEP (conditional)
group to schedule thorns changing the mask before and thorns using the mask after
Type: | group | |
MoL_CalcRHS (conditional)
groups for scheduling tasks for calculating rhs of hydro variables
Type: | group | |
MoL_PostStep (conditional)
post step tasks for hydro thorns
After: | admbase_setadmvars | |
Before: | settmunu | |
Type: | group | |
HydroBase_PostStep (conditional)
hydrobase-internal boundary conditions group
Before: | hydrobase_con2prim | |
Type: | group | |
HydroBase_Boundaries (conditional)
group to schedule the boundary condition functions
Type: | group | |
HydroBase_Boundaries (conditional)
apply the boundary conditions of hydrobase
After: | hydrobase_select_boundaries | |
Type: | group | |
HydroBase_PostStep (conditional)
convert from conservative to primitive variables
Type: | group | |
convert from conservative to primitive variables (might be redundant)
Before: | admconstraintsgroup | |
Type: | group | |
Alias Name: | Function Name: |
ApplyBCs | HydroBase_ApplyBCs |
HydroBase_Con2Prim | Con2Prim |