Provides macros for common relativity calculations, using the ADMBase variables.
This thorn provides various macros which can be used to calculate quantities, such as the Christoffel Symbol or Riemann Tensor components, using the basic variables of thorn ADMBase. The macros can be used in both Fortran and C code. The macros work pointwise to calculate quantities at the grid point \((\code {i},\code {j},\code {k})\); it’s up to you to loop over all the grid points where you want computations done. The macros are written in such a way that within any single loop, quantities which have already been calculated are automagically reused as needed in later calculations.
By default, the macros use centered 2nd order finite differencing, with 3-point finite difference molecules. That is, when finite differencing the the grid-point indices \(\code {i} \pm 1\), \(\code {j} \pm 1\), and \(\code {k} \pm 1\) must also be valid, and driver::ghost_size must be set to at least \(1\).
Some of the macros also support centered 4th order finite differencing; This is selected with the parameter
. This may be set to either \(2\) or \(4\); it defaults to \(2\). If it’s set to \(4\), then 5-point finite difference
molecules are used, so the grid-point indices \(\code {i} \pm 2\), \(\code {j} \pm 2\), and \(\code {k} \pm 2\) must also be valid, and driver::ghost_size must be set to
at least \(2\). The only save way to be certain which macros support 4th order finite differencing is to check the
source code; the macros which don’t support it simply hard-code 2nd order finite differencing and ignore the
spatial_order parameter.
At present 4th order finite differencing is only supported for Fortran code. (That is, at present the C versions of the macros all ignore the spatial_order parameter.)
Each macro described in Section 4 is implemented using three include files:
sets up the declarations for the internal macro variables. All the internal (hidden) variables have names beginning with the macro name. This file should be included in the declarations section of your routine.
is the actual included source code which will calculate the quantities.
resets the macros. This file must be #included at the end of every loop using macros. Without this, a second loop using macros would assume that quantities have already been calculated (and thus get wrong results).
The macros which compute derivatives also use the following variables; you should avoid using these in your code, in either lower or upper case:
di2, dj2, dk2 /* only in C, not in Fortran */ dt, dx, dy, dz idx, idy, idz i2dx, i2dy, i2dz i12dx, i12dy, i12dz idxx, idxy, idxz, idyy, idyz, idzz i12dxx, i12dyy, i12dzz i36dxy, i36dxz, i36dyz
To use the macros, first find the name of the macro from the table in Section 4 and put the include files in the correct place following the instructions above. Note that all ADMMacro include files are in the directory EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/, so you include the macros with lines such as
#include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/<MACRONAME>_<TYPE>.h"
(Recall that Cactus uses a C-style preprocessor for Fortran as well as C/C++ code; you use the same #includes for all these languages.)
Each variable that the macro calculates is listed in the table of Section 4. Note that these variable names are themselves macros and are case sensitive. Always use the macro variables on the right hand sides of equations, never redefine them yourself, since they may be used in later (hidden) calculations.
If you are using the macros inside a Fortran function then the i, j and k indices are used directly.
If you’re using (either directly or indirectly) any macro which computes derivatives, you also need to #include two additional files:
This must be #included before any of the other <MACRONAME>_declare.h files.
This must be #included after all of the other <MACRONAME>_declare.h and before any of the
<MACRONAME>_guts.h files.
The Fortran example below should make this clear(er).
If you are using the macros inside a C function then you must define the grid-function subscripting index ijk, which can be found from i, j and k using the macro CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k). Of course, since ijk depends on i, j and k, you have to assign ijk its value inside the loop-over-grid-points loops.
You must also define the grid-function strides di, dj and dk to give the grid-function subscripting index offsets of the grid points \((i+1,j,k)\), \((i,j+1,k)\), and \((i,j,k+1)\) (respectively) relative to \((i,j,k)\). That is, you should define di = 1, dj = cctk_lsh[0], and dk = cctk_lsh[0]*cctk_lsh[1]. Since these don’t depend on i, j and k, they can be assigned values once outside the loop-over-grid-points loops.
The C example below should make this clear(er).
Note that you should assign all these variables their values before #includeing the <MACRONAME>_guts.h macro (it may do calculations which use these values).
This example comes from thorn CactusArchive/Maximal and uses the \(trK\) macro to calculate the trace of the extrinsic curvature.
c Declarations for macros. #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/TRK_declare.h" c we’re not taking any derivatives here, but if we were, c we would also need the following line: #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/ADM_Spacing_declare.h" c we’re not taking any derivatives here, but if we were, c we would also need the following line: #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/ADM_Spacing.h" <CUT> c Add the shift term: N = B^i D_i(trK). if ((maxshift).and.(shift_state.eq.1)) then do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/TRK_guts.h" K_temp(i,j,k) = TRK_TRK end do end do end do #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/TRK_undefine.h"
This function computes the curved-space Laplacian of a scalar field \(\phi \), \(\del ^i \del _i \phi = g^{ij} \partial _{ij} \phi - g^{ij} \Gamma ^k_{ij} \partial _k \phi \), assuming that the partial derivatives \(\partial _{ij} \phi \) and \(\partial _k \phi \) have already been computed:
/* * This function computes the curved-space Laplacian of a scalar field, * $\del^i \del_i \phi * = g^{ij} \partial_{ij} \phi - g^{ij} \Gamma^k_{ij} \partial_k \phi$ * at the interior grid points only; it doesn’t do anything at all on the * boundaries. * * This function uses the following Cactus grid functions: * input: dx_phi, dy_phi, dz_phi # 1st derivatives of phi * dxx_phi, dxy_phi, dxz_phi, # 2nd derivatives of phi * dyy_phi, dyz_phi, * dzz_phi * output: Laplacian_phi */ void compute_Laplacian(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS int i,j,k; /* contracted Christoffel symbols $\Gamma^k = g^{ij} \Gamma^k_{ij}$ */ CCTK_REAL Gamma_u_x, Gamma_u_y, Gamma_u_z; /* grid-function strides for ADMMacros */ const int di = 1; const int dj = cctk_ash[0]; const int dk = cctk_ash[0]*cctk_ash[1]; /* declare the ADMMacros variables for $g^{ij}$ and $\Gamma^k_{ij}$ */ #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/UPPERMET_declare.h" #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/CHR2_declare.h" for (k = 1 ; k < cctk_lsh[2]-1 ; ++k) { for (j = 1 ; j < cctk_lsh[1]-1 ; ++j) { for (i = 1 ; i < cctk_lsh[0]-1 ; ++i) { const int ijk = CCTK_GFINDEX3D(cctkGH,i,j,k); /* grid-function subscripting index for ADMMacros */ /* (must be assigned inside the i,j,k loops) */ /* compute the ADMMacros $g^{ij}$ and $\Gamma^k_{ij}$ variables at the (i,j,k) grid point */ #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/UPPERMET_guts.h" #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/CHR2_guts.h" /* compute the contracted Christoffel symbols $\Gamma^k = g^{ij} \Gamma^k_{ij}$ */ Gamma_u_x = UPPERMET_UXX*CHR2_XXX + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXY*CHR2_XXY + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXZ*CHR2_XXZ + UPPERMET_UYY*CHR2_XYY + 2.0*UPPERMET_UYZ*CHR2_XYZ + UPPERMET_UZZ*CHR2_XZZ; Gamma_u_y = UPPERMET_UXX*CHR2_YXX + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXY*CHR2_YXY + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXZ*CHR2_YXZ + UPPERMET_UYY*CHR2_YYY + 2.0*UPPERMET_UYZ*CHR2_YYZ + UPPERMET_UZZ*CHR2_YZZ; Gamma_u_z = UPPERMET_UXX*CHR2_ZXX + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXY*CHR2_ZXY + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXZ*CHR2_ZXZ + UPPERMET_UYY*CHR2_ZYY + 2.0*UPPERMET_UYZ*CHR2_ZYZ + UPPERMET_UZZ*CHR2_ZZZ; /* compute the Laplacian */ Laplacian_phi[ijk] = UPPERMET_UXX*dxx_phi[ijk] + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXY*dxy_phi[ijk] + 2.0*UPPERMET_UXZ*dxz_phi[ijk] + UPPERMET_UYY*dyy_phi[ijk] + 2.0*UPPERMET_UYZ*dyz_phi[ijk] + UPPERMET_UZZ*dzz_phi[ijk] - Gamma_u_x*dx_phi[ijk] - Gamma_u_y*dy_phi[ijk] - Gamma_u_z*dz_phi[ijk]; } } } #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/UPPERMET_undefine.h" #include "EinsteinBase/ADMMacros/src/macro/CHR2_undefine.h" }
Macros exist for the following quantities
Calculates | Macro Name | Sets variables |
All first spatial derivatives of lapse, \(\alpha _{,i}\): | DA | DA_DXDA, DA_DYDA, DA_DZDA |
All second spatial derivatives of lapse, \(\alpha _{,ij}\): | DDA | DDA_DXXDA, DDA_DXYDA, DDA_DXZDA, DDA_DYYDA, DDA_DYZDA, DDA_DZZDA |
All second covariant spatial derivatives of lapse, \(\alpha _{;ij}\): | CDCDA |
All first spatial derivatives of shift, \(\beta ^{i}_{\;\;j}\): | DB |
All first covariant derivatives of the extrinsic curvature, \(K_{ij;kl}\) | CDK |
First covariant derivatives of the extrinsic curvature, \(K_{ij;x}\), \(K_{ij;y}\), \(K_{ij;z}\) | CDXCDK, CDYCDK, CDZCDK |
Determinant of 3-metric: | DETG |
Upper 3-metric, \(g{ij}\): | UPPERMET | |
Trace of extrinsic curvature \(trK\): | TRK |
Trace of stress energy tensor: | TRT | |
Hamiltonian constraint: | HAMADM |
Partial derivatives of extrinsic curvature, \(K_{ij,x}\), \(K_{ij,y}\), \(K_{ij,z}\): | DXDK, DYDK, DZDK |
First partial derivatives of 3-metric, \(g_{ij,x}\), \(g_{ij,y}\), \(g_{ij,z}\): | DXDG, DYDG, DZDG |
All first partial derivatives of 3-metric, \(g_{ij,k}\): | DG |
First covariant derivatives of 3-metric, \(g_{ij;x}\), \(g_{ij;y}\), \(g_{ij;z}\): | DXDCG, DYDCG, DZDCG |
Second partial derivatives of 3-metric, \(g_{ij,xx}\), \(g_{ij,xy}\), \(g_{ij,xz}\): | DXXDG, DXYDG, DXZDG, DYYDG, DYZDG, DZZDG |
All second partial derivative of 3-metric, \(g_{ij,lm}\) | DDG |
Ricci tensor \(R_{ij}\): | RICCI |
Trace of Ricci tensor \(R\): | TRRICCI |
Christoffel symbols of first kind: \(\Gamma _{cab}\) | CHR1 |
Christoffel symbols of second kind \(\Gamma ^{c}_{\;\;ab}\): | CHR2 |
Momentum constraints | MOMX, MOMY, MOMZ |
Source term in evolution equation for conformal metric, \(\tilde {g}_{ij,t}\): | DCGDT |
\begin {equation} \Gamma _{cab} = \frac {1}{2}\left (g_{ac,b} + g_{bc,a} - g_{ab,c}\right ) \end {equation}
\begin {equation} \Gamma ^{c}_{\;\;ab} = g^{cd}\Gamma _{dab} = \frac {1}{2} g^{cd} \left (g_{ad,b} + g_{bd,a} - g_{ab,d}\right ) \end {equation}
spatial_order | Scope: restricted | INT |
Description: Order of spatial differencing
| ||
Range | Default: 2 | |
2 | 2nd order finite differencing
| |
4 | 4th order finite differencing
| |
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
local_spatial_order | local_spatial_order | compact | 0 |
description | Can be set pointwise to change the finite differencing order | ||
dimensions | 0 | ||
distribution | CONSTANT | ||
group type | SCALAR | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | INT | ||
Uses header:
This section lists all the variables which are assigned storage by thorn EinsteinBase/ADMMacros. Storage can either last for the duration of the run (Always means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned, Conditional means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned for the duration of the run if some condition is met), or can be turned on for the duration of a schedule function.
Always: | |
local_spatial_order | |
initialize the local_spatial_order
Language: | c | |
Type: | function | |
Writes: | admmacros::local_spatial_order(everywhere) | |