The Einstein Toolkit

New Einstein Toolkit Release

There is a new Einstein Toolkit release, the "Cannon" (ET_2024_11) Release. Please check the release notes for details.

Weekly telecon

Join us at the weekly Einstein Toolkit Zoom call at 9:00 am US Central Time on Thursdays.


The Einstein Toolkit is a community-driven software platform of core computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics.
About How to cite

Get Started

If you have never used the Einstein Toolkit before, we provide a tutorial to get started You can also download the latest release and learn about visualize your simulations.
First steps Download


A lot of the documentation within the Einstein Toolkit is generated from comments in the source code, and more can be found on the Einstein Toolkit Wiki or other documents. We provide links to guides, tutorials and references.
Documentation Wiki

Interact with us

The Einstein Toolkit would not exist without numerious contributions from its community. It is easy to learn how you can contribute as well.
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