AHFinderDirect – A Fast Apparent Horizon Finder

Jonathan Thornburg <jthorn@aei.mpg.de>

\( \)Date\( \)


Thorn AHFinderDirect locates apparent horizons (or more generally, closed 2-surfaces with \(S^2\) topology having any desired constant expansion) in a numerically computed slice using a direct method, posing the apparent horizon equation as an elliptic PDE on angular-coordinate space. This is very fast and accurate, but requires a “reasonable” initial guess. This thorn guide describes how to use the thorn.

1 Introduction

A “marginally trapped surface” is a closed 2-surface in a slice whose congruence of future-pointing outgoing null geodesics has zero expansion. There may be several such surfaces, some nested inside others; an “apparent horizon” is an outermost marginally trapped surface. In terms of the usual \(3+1\) variables, an apparent horizon satisfies the equation \begin {equation} \Theta \equiv \del _i n^i + K_\ij n^i n^j - K = 0 \label {AHFinderDirect/eqn-horizon} \end {equation} where \(n^i\) is the outward-pointing unit normal to the apparent horizon, and \(\del _i\) is the covariant derivative operator associated with the 3-metric \(g_\ij \) in the slice. (See [?] for a derivation of equation \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-horizon})\).) (Optionally, you can replace the right hand side of \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-horizon})\) by any specified nonzero constant, i.e. you can find a surface of constant (in general nonzero) expansion.; this is dicsussed in section 4.8.)

Thorn AHFinderDirect finds an apparent horizon by numerically solving equation \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-horizon})\). It requires as input the usual Cactus 3-metric \(g_\ij \) and extrinsic curvature \(K_\ij \), (and optionally the conformal factor \(\psi \) if the StaticConformal metric semantics are used), and produces as output the Cactus \((x,y,z)\) coordinates of a large number of points on the apparent horizon, together with some auxiliary information like the apparent horizon area and centroid position, and the irreducable mass associated with the area.

Besides this thorn guide, the other main sources of information on AHFinderDirect are the comments in the param.ccl file, the paper [?], and to a lesser extent the paper [?]. As a courtesy, I ask that both these papers be cited in any published research which uses this thorn, or which uses code from this thorn.

2 What AHFinderDirect Needs

There are some restrictions on the spacetime, or more precisely on each slice where you want to find apparent horizons, which are necessary in order for AHFinderDirect to work:

There are also some restrictions on your Cactus configuration and run; here’s what works and what doesn’t:

AHFinderDirect can pass information to the rest of Cactus in several ways; these are described in detail in section 4.7.

3 Obtaining and Compiling AHFinderDirect

You should be able to obtain the source code for this thorn via the usual procedures for anonymous git checkout; at present it lives in the EinsteinAnalysis arrangement.

This thorn is written primarily in C++, calling C and Fortran 77 numerical libraries.2 In theory the code should be quite portable to modern C++ compilers, but in practice I’ve had a number of portability problems with various compilers. See the “Code Notes” and “Compiler Notes” sections in the top-level README file for details and lists of compilers currently known to be ok or not.

By default AHFinderDirect doesn’t use any external libraries. However, if HAVE_DENSE_JACOBIAN__LAPACK is defined in src/include/config.h, then AHFinderDirect uses the LAPACK library for solving linear equations. In this case you need to configure Cactus with LAPACK=yes. See the top-level README and README.library files for details on this.

4 AHFinderDirect Parameters

This thorn has lots of parameters, but most of them have reasonable default values which you probably won’t need to change. Here I describe the parameters which you are likely to want to at least look at, and possibly set explicitly.

Note that all of the “[\(n\)]” parameters are Cactus array parameters, which you need to specify separately in your parameter file for each apparent horizon. IMPORTANT: Apparent horizons are numbered starting at 1, not 0! The example in section 8 should make this clear.

4.1 Overall Parameters


This is an integer parameter specifying how often AHFinderDirect should try to find apparent horizons: If \(\verb |find_every| = 0\), AHFinderDirect is a no-op. If \(\verb |find_every| \ne 0\), AHFinderDirect tries to find apparent horizons each find_every time steps.3 The default value is 1, i.e. AHFinderDirect tries to find apparent horizons at every time step.


How many apparent horizons do you want to find in each slice? Typical values are 1 (the default), 2, or 3.4 This thorn numbers the apparent horizons from 1 to N_horizons inclusive. There are a number of other parameters (described below) which you need to set for of these each apparent horizons.

Note that N_horizons sets the number of apparent horizons you want to find in the Cactus 3-D numerical grid, not in the whole spacetime. For example, if you are simulating (say) Misner data with Grid::domain = "bitant", with the two throats at (say) roughly \(z = \pm 1\), then you should set N_horizons = 1 to find those two apparent horizons, since you’re only finding one apparent horizon within the numerical grid. If you also want to search for a common apparent horizon surrounding both black holes, then you should set N_horizons = 2, since you’re finding at most 2 apparent horizons within the numerical grid.


This controls how verbose this thorn is in printing informational (non-error) messages describing what it’s doing. In order from tersest to most verbose, the allowable values are

"no output"

Don’t print anything.

"physics highlights"

Print only a single line each time AHFinderDirect runs, giving which horizons were found.

"physics details"

Print two lines for each horizon found, giving the horizon area, centroid position, and irreducible mass. This is the default.

"algorithm highlights"

Also print a single line for each Newton iteration giving the 2-norm and \(\infty \)-norm of the \(\Theta (h)\) function defined by equation \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-horizon})\).

"algorithm details"

Print lots of detailed messages tracing what the code is doing.

"algorithm debug"

Print even more detailed messages tracing what the code is doing, mainly useful for debugging purposes.

4.2 Choosing the Local Coordinate Origin for each Apparent Horizon

For each apparent horizon you want to find, you need to specify the Cactus \((x,y,z)\) coordinates of a local coordinate system origin. As described in section 2, each apparent horizon must be a Strahlkörper with respect to its local coordinate system origin.

You specify the local coordinate system origin for each horizon with the (Cactus array) parameters


These all default to 0.0. In practice, you should set these parameters to be somewhere reasonably close to your best guess for the center of each apparent horizon. These aren’t too critical: being off by 1/4 of the horizon radius is no problem, and – assuming the algorithm still converges – even 1/2 of the horizon radius only slows the convergence by an extra iteration or two. But poor values of these parameters do make the algorithm more likely to fail to converge.

At present the local coordinate origin is fixed once you set it; there’s no provision for it to move to track a moving black hole. I hope to add such a provision soon.5

4.3 Specifying the Initial Guess

AHFinderDirect requires an initial guess for the apparent horizon’s coordinate position and shape (that is, for the \(h(\text {angle})\) function defined in section 2), for each apparent horizon you want to find. Unlike some other apparent horizon finders (eg. the curvature flow method in AHFinder), for AHFinderDirect there’s no restriction on whether the initial guess is inside, outside, or crossing the actual apparent horizon: the only important thing is that it should be “close”. Just how close the initial guess needs to be for AHFinderDirect to find the (a) apparent horizon depends on the slice and the coordinates, but as a general rule of thumb any initial guess that’s within 1/3 to 1/2 of the mean horizon radius will probably work.

The “initial guess” specification is used the first time we try to find any given apparent horizon, and also any succeeding time when the most recent attempt to find this apparent horizon failed. If we succeed in finding a given apparent horizon, than that apparent horizon position is automatically reused as the initial guess the next time we try to find the same apparent horizon; in this case the explicit “initial guess” specification is ignored.6

There are a number of parameters for specifying the initial guess:


This sets what type of the initial guess is used for each apparent horizon position. There are several possibilities, most with their own sets of subparameters:7 \(^,\)8

"read from file"

This reads the initial-guess \(h(\text {angle})\) function from a data file. The file format is currently hard-wired to be that written with file_format = "ASCII (gnuplot)" (see below). The subparameter initial_guess__read_from_named_file__file_name specifies the file name.


This sets the initial guess to the analytically-known apparent horizon position in a Kerr spacetime in Kerr coordinates. This is a coordinate sphere of radius \((1 + \sqrt {1 - a^2}) m\). There are subparameters


to set the position of the Kerr black hole (note this position is in global Cactus coordinates, not relative to the local coordinate origin), and


to set its mass and spin.


This sets the initial guess to the analytically-known apparent horizon position in a Kerr spacetime in Kerr-Schild coordinates. This is a coordinate ellipsoid with radia (semi-major axes) \begin {equation} \renewcommand {\arraystretch }{2.0} \begin {array}{lclcl} r_z & = & (1 + \sqrt {1 - a^2}) m \\ r_x = r_y & = & r_z \sqrt {1 + \left (\dfrac {am}{r_z}\right )^2} & = & \sqrt {\dfrac {2 r_z}{m}} \, m \end {array} \end {equation}


(note this position is in global Cactus coordinates, not relative to the local coordinate origin), and


to set its mass and spin.

"coordinate sphere"

This sets the initial guess to a coordinate sphere; there are subparameters


(note this position is in global Cactus coordinates, not relative to the local coordinate origin), and


to set the radius.

"coordinate ellipsoid"

This sets the initial guess to a coordinate ellipsoid; there are subparameters


(note this position is in global Cactus coordinates, not relative to the local coordinate origin), and


to set the radia (semimajor axes).

4.4 I/O Parameters for the Apparent Horizon Shape(s)

The main output of this thorn is the computed horizon shape function \(h({\rm angle})\), and correspondingly the \((x,y,z)\) coordinate positions of the apparent-horizon-surface (angular) grid points. There are several parameters controlling if, how often, and how these should be written to data files:


As described in section 4.1, AHFinderDirect will try to find the apparent horizon(s) every find_every time steps. However, you can control how often (if at all) the apparent horizon shape(s) are written to data files: this is only done if output_h_every is nonzero, and the Cactus time step number cctk_iteration is an integral multiple of this parameter (output_h_every).


This specifies the file format for horizon-shape (and other angular-grid-function) data files. Unfortunately, at the moment only a single format is implemented,

"ASCII (gnuplot)"

This is a simple ASCII format designed for easy plotting with gnuplot:

  • AHFinderDirect writes a separate data file for each Cactus time step and for each apparent horizon found. By default these are all written in to the IOUtil::out_dir directory; see h_directory (below) to change this.

  • The time step number and the apparent horizon number are both encoded in the file name; the actual file name is given by a printf() format "%s/%s.t%d.ah%d.%s", where

    • the first %s is the directory set by the IO::out_dir and/or h_directory parameters (see below)

    • the second %s is the base file name set by the h_base_file_name parameter (see below)

    • the first %d is the Cactus time step number

    • the second %d is the apparent horizon number

    • the third %s is the file name extension, set by the ASCII_gnuplot_file_name_extension parameter; this defaults to "gp"

  • Comment lines begin with #.

  • Patches are separated by 2 blank lines; rows of apparent-horizon points within a patch are separated by single blank lines.

  • Each apparent-horizon-surface point is described by a single line, containing the whitespace-separated fields

    • Two “unwrapped” angular coordinates in degrees, representing a point on \(S^2\).

    • The \(h\) value, giving the radius of the apparent horizon surface at that angle.

    • The corresponding Cactus \((x,y,z)\) coordinates.

See section 6 for a discussion of visualization for these and other AHFinderDirect output files.


This specifies the directory in which the \(h\) data files are to be written. If it doesn’t already exist, this directory is created before writing the data files. This parameter defaults to the value of the IO::out_dir parameter.


This specifies the base file name for \(h\) data files, as described above. This defaults to ”h”.


This specifies the file name extension for \(h\) data files, as described above. This defaults to ”gp”.

4.5 Parameters for the “BH_diagnostics” Files

As well as the apparent horizon shape files, this thorn can also write files giving time series of various diagnostics. These are controlled by the following parameters:


If this Boolean parameter is set to true, AHFinderDirect will write a “black hole diagnostics” file for each distinct apparent horizon found (up to N_horizons files in all). Each such file contains a time series of various diagnostics for all time steps when the corresponding apparent horizon was found. The file format is again a simple ASCII format designed for easy plotting with gnuplot:


This specifies the directory in which the black hole diagnostics data files are to be written. If it doesn’t already exist, this directory is created before writing the data files. This parameter defaults to the value of the IO::out_dir parameter.


This specifies the base file name for black hole diagnostics data files, as described above. This defaults to "BH_diagnostics".


This specifies the file name extension for black hole diagnostics data files, as described above. This defaults to "gp".

4.6 (Excision) Mask Parameters

This thorn can optionally set a mask grid function (or functions) at each point of the Cactus grid, to indicate where that point is with respect to the apparent horizon(s). This is usually used for excision.


These Boolean parameters control whether AHFinderDirect should set a mask grid function(s): If the (C) expression set_mask_for_all_horizons || set_mask_for_individual_horizon[i] is true, then AHFinderDirect will set a mask grid function(s) for apparent horizon \(i\). All these parameters default to false (don’t set a mask).

If any of these parameters is set to true, you almost certainly also need to set the Boolean parameter SpaceMask::use_mask to true to to turn on storage for the mask grid function(s)!

If it’s setting a mask(s), AHFinderDirect partitions the Cactus grid into 3 regions: an “inside”, a “buffer”, and an “outside”. Typically the inner region is excised, but AHFinderDirect doesn’t itself do this: It just sets the mask(s); you need to use some other thorn(s) to do the actual excision.

The 3 regions are defined as follows: For a grid point a distance \(r[i]\) from horizon \(i\)’s local coordinate origin, with horizon \(i\)’s radius in this same direction (again, measured from its local coordinate origin) being \(r_{\text horizon}[i]\),10 the regions are defined by \begin {equation} \renewcommand {\arraystretch }{1.333} \begin {tabular}{l@{~}lll@{~}lll} $r[i] \le r{ ext{r}}[i]$ & \text {for some $i$} & & & & $\Rightarrow $ & \text {inner} \\ $r[i] > r_{\text {r}}[i]$ & \text {for all $i$} & \text {and} & $r[i] \le r_{\text {r}}[i]$ & \text {for some $i$} & $\Rightarrow $ & \text {buffer} \\ $r[i] > r_{\text {r}}[i]$ & \text {for all $i$} & & & & $\Rightarrow $ & \text {outer} \end {tabular} \end {equation} where \begin {equation} \renewcommand {\arraystretch }{1.333} \begin {array}{lcl} r_{\text {r}} & = & \verb |mask_radius_multiplier| \times r_{\text {n}} \,\,+\,\, \verb |mask_radius_offset| \times {\Delta x}_{\text {e}} \\ r_{\text {r}} & = & r_{\text {r}} \,\,+\,\, \verb |mask_buffer_thickness| \times {\Delta x}_{\text {e}} \end {array} \label {AHFinderDirect/eqn-r-inside-outside} \end {equation} and where \({\Delta x}_{\text {e}}\) is the base-grid Cactus grid spacing (more precisely, the geometric mean of the base grid’s \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) Cactus grid spacings)11 .


These parameters are used to define the radia \(r_{\text {r}}\) and \(r_{\text {r}}\) in equation \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-r-inside-outside})\) above.

Note that the sign convention here is that mask_radius_multiplier is multiplied by the horizon radius, then mask_radius_offset (scaled by the Cactus grid spacing) is added. Thus for use with excision (where the inner region – which will be excised – must be somewhat inside the horizon), mask_radius_multiplier should be a positive real number slightly less than 1.0, and/or mask_radius_offset a negative real number.

The default values for these parameters are

      mask_radius_multiplier =  0.8
      mask_radius_offset     = -5.0
      mask_buffer_thickness  =  5.0


This Boolean parameter specifies whether the inside and buffer regions should be prevented from ever shrinking during a time evolution (this is the default), or whether they should be set independently from one time step to the next (and thus allowed to either grow or shrink). More precisely, once a given grid point has been classified as inside, buffer, or outside, AHFinderDirect executes the following algorithm:


\(\verb |mask| \assign \verb |inside_value|\)


if (mask_is_noshrink && (\(\verb |mask| = \verb |inside_value|\)))

then {

# this point was previously inside \(\Rightarrow \) no-op here


else \(\verb |mask| \assign \verb |buffer_value|\)


if (mask_is_noshrink && ((\(\verb |mask| = \verb |inside_value|\)) || (\(\verb |mask| = \verb |buffer_value|\)))

then {

# this point was previously inside or buffer \(\Rightarrow \) no-op here


else \(\verb |mask| \assign \verb |outside_value|\)


By default, AHFinderDirect sets the mask for each apparent horizon found. If we’re using mesh refinement, it’s possible for an apparent horizon to be found on a coarse grid, and the masked region to be only a few grid points across on a fine grid. This causes some other Cactus thorns (eg. LegoExcision) to crash. :(

This parameter can be used to avoid this problem: For each apparent horizon that it finds, AHFinderDirect only sets the mask on a given grid if \begin {equation} r_{\text {inner},\min } \ge \verb |min_horizon_radius_points_for_mask| * {\Delta x}_{\text {current},\max } \end {equation} where \(r_{\text {inner},\min }\) is the minimum over all angles of \(r_{\text {r}}\) as defined by equation \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-r-inside-outside})\), and \({\Delta x}_{\text {current},\max }\) is the maximum of the Cactus \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) grid spacings on the current Cactus grid.12 If this condition isn’t satisfied, then AHFinderDirect skips setting the mask for this apparent horizon, just as if this apparent horizon wasn’t found. (Note that all other processing for an apparent horizon being found is still done, including writing output files, using the apparent horizon shape as the initial guess for the next time step’s apparent-horizon finding, etc.; it’s only the mask processing for this horizon (at this time step) that’s skipped.)

AHFinderDirect supports two types of mask grid functions; the following two Boolean parameters choose which of them you want to set; you can set either or even both of these:


This parameter (default true) specifies an old-style excision mask, one stored in a CCTK_REAL Cactus grid function. (The AHFinder apparent horizon finder uses this type of mask.)


This parameter (default false) specifies a new-style excision mask, one stored in a specified bit field of a CCTK_INT Cactus grid function. The bit field is specified by its name, as registered with the SpaceMask thorn. We plan to eventually convert all Cactus excision (and other uses of mask grid functions) to this scheme, but at the moment not much code supports it. Note that AHFinderDirect doesn’t itself create/register any bit fields or state names with SpaceMask – you must arrange for some other thorn(s) to do this.

For an old-style mask, the following parameters specify the mask grid function and how it should be set:


This parameter specifies the mask grid function’s name.


If an old-style mask is to be set in the corresponding regions, these parameters specify the values to which it should be set. These are all CCTK_REAL values.

For an new-style mask, the following parameters specify the mask grid function and how it should be set:


These parameters specify the mask grid function’s name and the bitfield name within it.


If an new-style mask is to be set in the corresponding regions, these parameters specify the values to which it should be set. These are all character-string state names, as registered with the SpaceMask thorn.

Note that AHFinderDirect doesn’t itself register any bitfields or states with SpaceMask – you must arrange for some other thorn(s) to do this before AHFinderDirect tries to find the horizon(s).

If AHFinderDirect sets a mask or masks, this happens in the same schedule bin(s) as the horizon finding. More precisely, AHFinderDirect creates two schedule groups for this purpose:

Thorn PreviousMask uses these schedule groups to keep a “previous” as well as a “current” mask. See that thorn’s thorn guide for further details.

4.7 Communicating with Other Thorns

Besides the data files it writes, AHFinderDirect currently has three ways to communicate with other Cactus thorns:

AHFinderDirect’s mask features are described in section 4.6; the other communication mechanisms are described in the following subsections.

4.7.1 Parameters for Announcing a Horizon Centroid to Other Thorns

This thorn can optionally announce the centroid of a specified apparent horizon to another thorn (typically DriftCorrect) each time that apparent horizon is found. This is controlled by the following parameter:


This is an integer parameter which defaults to 0 (which means not to announce any centroid). If it’s set to a nonzero integer, that specifies the horizon number to have its centroid announced.

4.7.2 Aliased Functions to Provide Horizon-Shape Information

AHFinderDirect provides the following aliased functions to allow other thorns to find out about the horizons. Each function returns a status code which is \(\ge 0\) for ok, or negative for an error.

# This function returns the local coordinate origin for a given horizon.
CCTK_INT FUNCTION HorizonLocalCoordinateOrigin                          \
   (CCTK_INT IN horizon_number,                                         \
    CCTK_REAL OUT origin_x, CCTK_REAL OUT origin_y, CCTK_REAL OUT origin_z)

# The following function queries whether or not the specified horizon
# was found the most recent time AHFinderDirect searched for it.
# The return value is:
#  1 if the horizon was found
#  0 if the horizon was not found
#  negative for an error
CCTK_INT FUNCTION HorizonWasFound(CCTK_INT IN horizon_number)

# The following function computes the horizon radius in the direction
# of each (x,y,z) point, or -1.0 if this horizon wasn’t found the most
# recent time AHFinderDirect searched for it.  More precisely, for each
# (x,y,z), consider the ray from the local coordinate origin through
# (x,y,z).  This function computes the Euclidean distance between the
# local coordinate origin and this ray’s intersection with the horizon,
# or -1.0 if this horizon wasn’t found the most recent time AHFinderDirect
# searched for it.
# If this function is to be used in a multiprocessor run on a horizon
# which was found on some other processor, the parameter
#   AHFinderDirect::always_broadcast_horizon_shape
# must be set to true to get the correct answer.
CCTK_INT FUNCTION HorizonRadiusInDirection                              \
   (CCTK_INT IN horizon_number,                                         \
    CCTK_INT IN N_points,                                               \

4.7.3 Storing Horizon-Shape Information in the SphericalSurface Variables

SphericalSurface (in the AEIThorns arrangement) defines a set of generic grid arrays which describe “spherical surfaces”. AHFinderDirect can optionally store information about the horizons it finds in the SphericalSurface variables. This is controlled by the following parameters:


This parameter should be set to the SphericalSurface surface number into which information on a given AHFinderDirect horizon should be stored, or to -1 to skip storing the information. It defaults to -1 for each horizon.

Note that SphericalSurface numbers surfaces starting from 0, whereas AHFinderDirect numbers horizons starting from 1!

At present, if multiple AHFinderDirect horizons specify the same SphericalSurface surface, the highest-numbered horizon will “win”, i.e. it will overwrite the data from any lower-numbered horizons.

4.8 Other Parameters


These parameters (which default to true, false, false, and true respectively) control which schedule bins AHFinderDirect runs in. Historically, AHFinderDirect ran in CCTK_ANALYSIS, and that’s still the default, but these parameters allow you to change this so it runs in CCTK_POSTSTEP and/or CCTK_POSTINITIAL instead. (You can even run in all three bins if you want!)

In general we need to run at CCTK_POST_RECOVER_VARIABLES, since

Therefore the run_at_CCTK_POST_RECOVER_VARIABLES parameter should probably be left at its default setting of true.


These parameters control the (3-D) “geometry interpolation” of the spacetime geometry (\(g_{ij}\) and \(K_{ij}\), or their StaticConformal equivalents) to the apparent horizon position. The defaults are set to use a quadratic Hermite interpolator. This works fairly well, but because of the interpolator molecule size you must use \(\verb |driver::ghost_size| \ge 2\).

If you want to get very high accuracy from AHFinderDirect, then you should use a cubic Hermite geometry interpolator, by setting

     AHFinderDirect::geometry_interpolator_pars = "
       boundary_off_centering_tolerance={1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10}
       boundary_extrapolation_tolerance={0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}

Assuming perfectly accurate geometry variables in the 3-D Cactus grid, this will make AHFinderDirect (very) roughly an order of magnitude more accurate. However, the larger molecule size will make it about a factor of 2–3 slower, and will also require that you set \(\verb |driver::ghost_size| \ge 3\). The sample parameter file par/Kerr-order3.par shows an example of this.


This parameter sets the angular resolution used to compute each patch. The units are the number of angular grid zones per right angle. The default is 18, i.e. a 5 degree angular resolution. There’s no problem with this parameter varying from one horizon to another, but for simplicity it should be even.13

For any horizon which is close to spherical about its local coordinate origin, you can lower this parameter to make AHFinderDirect run faster (typical run-times scale roughly as the cube of this parameter); 6 is about the minimum reasonable value.

For any horizon which is highly non-spherical about its local coordinate origin, you can raise this parameter to get better resolution; 30 should be enough for even a highly non-spherical horizon.


This parameter gives the maximum mean-coordinate-radius which any given trial surface may have in the course of trying to solve the apparent horizon equation.14 In particular, if any trial surface has a mean coordinate radius which exceeds this parameter, AHFinderDirect gives up and deems this apparent horizon to be “not found”.

This parameter defaults to \(10^{10}\) (effectively \(+\infty \)) for each apparent horizon. You can set it to a smaller value to make AHFinderDirect a bit more efficient, or (probably more important in practice) to stop AHFinderDirect from iterating off the edge of the grid if this causes problems with interpolation or boundary conditions.


This parameter gives the maximum \(\|\Theta \|_\infty \) which any given trial surface may have in the course of trying to solve the apparent horizon equation. In particular, if any trial surface has \(\|\Theta \|_\infty \) exceeding this parameter, AHFinderDirect gives up and deems this apparent horizon to be “not found”. This parameter defaults to \(10^{10}\) (effectively \(+\infty \)) for each apparent horizon.


This parameter (which defaults to 0.0) sets the expansion of each surface. With the default setting this thorn solves \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-horizon})\) to find apparent horizons. With other settings of this parameter this thorn can be used to find “surfaces of constant expansion”; these may be useful for excision, wave extraction, or other purposes ([?]).

To help in choosing the value(s) of the surface_expansion[\(n\)] parameter, figure 1 (from [?]), shows the expansion of \(r = \text {constant}\) surfaces in an Eddington-Finkelsteon slice of the unit-mass Schwarzschild spacetime.


Figure 1: This figure shows the expansion \(\Theta \) for \(r = \text {constant}\) surfaces in an Eddington-Finkelstein slice of the unit-Mass Schwarzschild Spacetime.

5 Monitoring AHFinderDirect’s Status

There are two primary ways of monitoring what AHFinderDirect is doing during a Cactus run: the BH_diagnostics files and the CCTK_INFO messages written to the Cactus standard output:

The BH_diagnostics files are described in detail in section 4.5. These files are written and “flushed” at each time step, so they’re always up-to-date.

During the apparent-horizon–finding process, AHFinderDirect writes various CCTK_INFO messages describing the convergence of the iterative solution of the apparent horizon equation 1 on each processor. In particular, if verbose_level is set to "algorithm highlights" or a more verbose setting (cf. section 4.1), then AHFinderDirect writes CCTK_INFO messages like these:

INFO (AHFinderDirect):    proc 0/horizon 1:it 1 r_grid=0.595 ||Theta||=1.1e-01
INFO (AHFinderDirect):    proc 0/horizon 1:it 2 r_grid=0.614 ||Theta||=7.2e-02
INFO (AHFinderDirect):    proc 0/horizon 1:it 3 r_grid=0.632 ||Theta||=2.9e-02
INFO (AHFinderDirect):    proc 0/horizon 1:it 4 r_grid=0.642 ||Theta||=9.9e-04
INFO (AHFinderDirect):    proc 0/horizon 1:it 5 r_grid=0.642 ||Theta||=7.9e-07
INFO (AHFinderDirect):    proc 0/horizon 1:it 6 r_grid=0.642 ||Theta||=7.2e-13
INFO (AHFinderDirect): AH 1/2: r=0.660716 at (0.000000,0.000000,1.127434)
INFO (AHFinderDirect): AH 1/2: area=338.0473838 m_irreducible=2.59330658
INFO (AHFinderDirect): writing h to "misner.h.t0.ah1.gp"

Here r_grid is a rough estimate of the mean radius of the trial surface at each iteration, and ||Theta|| is the infinity-norm of \(\Theta \), the left hand side of the apparent horizon equation 1 over the surface. Once the apparent horizon has been found (||Theta|| is sufficiently small), then AHFinderDirect prints its mean radius,15 centroid position, area, and irreducible mass.

6 Visualization

There are several ways to visualize AHFinderDirect’s output:

The simplest is to plot various quantities from the BH_diagnostics files (described in detail in section 4.5). For example, using gnuplot (http://www.gnuplot.info), you can plot a graph of the surface area of horizon #4 as a function of coordinate time, with the command

plot ’BH_diagnostics.ah4.gp’ using 2:26 with points

ygraph (http://www.aei.mpg.de/~pollney/ygraph/) may also be able to directly plot the BH_diagnostics files.

Given a horizon-shape data file h.t105.h4.gp, the gnuplot command

splot ’h.t105.h4.gp’ with lines

will plot the \(h(\text {angle})\) function, with the \(x\) and \(y\) axes of the plot being the two “unwrapped” angular coordinates on \(S^2\), in degrees, and the \(z\) axis being \(h(\text {angle})\). However, in practice this usually isn’t very informative. Instead, you probably want the gnuplot command

splot ’h.t105.h4.gp’ using 4:5:6 with lines

which will plot the 3-D shape of the apparent horizon surface.

The src/misc directory of the AHFinderDirect source code contains several perl scripts which are useful in visualizing AHFinderDirect output. In particular, the script select.plane selects a particular 2-D plane. If you put this in your Unix path, it can be used with a gnuplot command like

splot ’<select.plane xy <h.t105.h4.gp’ using 4:5 with lines

to show the shape of an apparent horizon in the xy plane.16

Another Visualization option is OpenDX (http://www.opendx.org/). Thomas Radke’s has written some OpenDX macros ImportAHFinderDirectGnuplot.net and ImportAHFinderDirectGnuplotPatch.net to import AHFinderDirect horizon-shape data files. These macros use a set of “control files” named *.dx, one per horizon, which AHFinderDirect (by default) writes into the same directory as the main horizon–shape output files. You can get these macros by anonymous CVS with the command

cvs -d :pserver:cvs_anon@cvs.aei.mpg.de:/numrelcvs \
     checkout AEIPhysics/Visualization/OpenDX

Another Visualization option is to produce files in the standard Xdmf [?] file format which can be visualized for example using VisIt [?]. Frank Löffler has written a python script AH2xdmf.py, which is included in this thorn’s code repository, which generates such files from AHFinderDirect’s output from horizon shape files h.t%d.ah%d.gp\. Please see its help text for details.

7 Accuracy

The apparent horizon positions are typically computed very accurately; tests on Kerr spacetimes give typical errors of \(10^{-4}m\) to \(10^{-5}m\).

The various diagnostics printed to standard output and written to the black hole diagnostics file(s), are typically computed to accuracies on the order of a part per million or so.

Note, however, that the irreducible mass \(m_{\text {e}}\) may differ considerably from the black hole’s local mass or its contribution to the slice’s ADM mass. For example, for Kerr spacetime in Kerr-Schild coordinates, \(m_{\text {e}}/m_{\text {M}} = 0.949\), \(0.894\), and \(0.723\) for spin parameters \(a \equiv J/m^2 = 0.6\), \(0.8\), and \(0.999\), respectively. It would be better to (also) use the “isolated horizons” formalism of [?]; at some point this thorn may be enhanced to do this.

8 Examples

There are a few example parameter files in the par/ directory, including Kerr initial data, Misner initial data, and Misner time-evolution tests. The Kerr-tiny.par parameter file is close to a minimal AHFinderDirect example:

# This parameter file sets up Kerr/Kerr-Schild initial data, then
# finds the apparent horizon in it.  The local coordinate system origin
# and the initial guess are both deliberately de-centered with respect
# to the black hole, to make this a non-trivial test for the apparent
# horizon finder.
# This parameter file is "tiny" in the sense that it sets only a
# small number of AHFinderDirect parameters.

# flesh
cactus::cctk_itlast = 0

ActiveThorns = "PUGH"
driver::ghost_size = 2
driver::global_nx = 31
driver::global_ny = 31
driver::global_nz = 19

ActiveThorns = "CoordBase CartGrid3D"
grid::domain = "bitant"
grid::avoid_origin = false
grid::type = "byspacing"
grid::dxyz = 0.2

ActiveThorns = "ADMBase ADMCoupling StaticConformal Spacemask CoordGauge Exact"
ADMBase::initial_lapse = "exact"
ADMBase::initial_shift = "exact"
ADMBase::initial_data = "exact"
ADMBase::lapse_evolution_method = "static"
ADMBase::shift_evolution_method = "static"
ADMBase::metric_type = "physical"
Exact::exact_model = "Kerr/Kerr-Schild"
Exact::Kerr_KerrSchild__mass = 1.0
Exact::Kerr_KerrSchild__spin = 0.6


ActiveThorns = "IOUtil"
IOUtil::parfile_write = "no"


ActiveThorns = "SphericalSurface"
ActiveThorns = "AEILocalInterp PUGHInterp PUGHReduce AHFinderDirect"
AHFinderDirect::h_base_file_name     = "Kerr-tiny.h"

AHFinderDirect::N_horizons = 1
AHFinderDirect::origin_x[1] = 0.5
AHFinderDirect::origin_y[1] = 0.7
AHFinderDirect::origin_z[1] = 0.0

AHFinderDirect::initial_guess_method[1] = "coordinate sphere"
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere__x_center[1] = -0.2
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere__y_center[1] =  0.3
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere__z_center[1] =  0.0
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[1] = 2.0

9 Surfaces of Constant Expansion

Surfaces of Constant Expansion (CE surfaces) are introduced in [?] as a generalisation of apparent horizons (AH). On an AH surface, the expansion is zero everywhere. On a CE surfaces, the expansion is still everywhere the same, but it need not be zero. CE surfaces are also a generalisation of Constant Mean Curvature surfaces (CMC surfaces); both are identical when the extrinsic curvature vanishes. As described in [?], it is likely that CE surfaces foliate the spacelike hypersurface outside of some interior region. This interior region is inside the common apparent horizon, if it exists.

CE surfaces can give some insight into the spacetime, because they can be used to analyse the part of the spacelike hypersurface “between the horizons and infinity”. Most notably, they can be used to look at the region where a common horizon is about to (or believed to) form. Similarly, one can use them for collapsing stars where an apparent horizon has not yet formed.

10 Pretracking

Apparent horizon pretracking is introduced in [?]. This is an application of CE surfaces. Even when there is no common horizon, there are still common CE surfaces surrounding multiple black holes. Pretracking consists of tracking in time the smallest common CE surface that can be found. It is reasonable to believe that this surface will evolve into the common horizon at the time where this common horizon begins to exist. The expansion of this smallest CE surface is also an indication of how close the spacelike hypersurface is to having a common apparent horizon.

11 How AHFinderDirect Works

AHFinderDirect uses the apparent horizon (henceforth “horizon”) finding algorithm of [?], modified slightly to work with \(g_\ij \) and \(K_\ij \) on a Cartesian (\(xyz\)) grid. The algorithm is described in detail in [?].

11.1 General Description of the Algorithm

As described above, I parameterizes the horizon shape by \(r = h(\text {angle})\) for some single-value function \(h: S^2 \to \Re ^+\). The apparent horizon equation \((\ref {AHFinderDirect/eqn-horizon})\) then becomes a 2-D elliptic PDE on \(S^2\) for the function \(h\). I finite difference this in angle to obtain a system of simultaneous nonlinear algebraic equations for \(h\) at the angular grid points, and solve this system of equations by a global Newton’s method (or a variant with improved convergence).

Computationally, this algorithm has 3 main parts:

11.2 The Multipatch System

Perhaps the most unusual feature of AHFinderDirect is the “multipatch” system used to cover \(S^2\) without coordinate singularities. In general there are 6 patches, one each covering a neighborhood of the \(\pm z\), \(\pm x\), and \(\pm y\) axes, but this may be reduced in the presence of suitable symmetries. For example, figure 2 on page 39 shows a system of 3 patches covering the \(+xyz\) octant of \(S^2\). This would be suitable for finding an apparent horizon with mirror symmetry about the (local) \(z=0\) plane, and either 90 degree periodic rotation symmetry about the (local) \(z\) axis, or mirror symmetry about each of the (local) \(x\) and \(y\) axes.


Figure 2: This figure shows a multipatch system covering the \((+,+,+)\) octant of the unit sphere \(S^2\) with 3 patches. The angular resolution is 5 degrees. Notice that the patches overlap by several “ghost zone” grid points.

To allow easy angular finite differencing within the patch system, each patch is extended beyond its nominal extent by a “ghost zone”17 (2 grid points wide in figure 2). Angular grid function values in the ghost zone can be obtained by interpatch interpolation18 or by applying symmetry operations. Once this is done, then angular finite differencing within the nominal extent of each patch can proceed normally, ignoring the patch boundaries. AHFinderDirect can be configured at compile time to use either 2nd order or 4th order angular finite differencing (3 point or 5 point angular molecules); the default is 4th order (5 point). This is configured at compile time in src/include/config.h.

By default AHFinderDirect will automagically choose a patch system type for each apparent horizon searched for, based on the local coordinate origin and the symmetries implicit in the Cactus grid type. This generally works well, but if desired you can instead manually specify the patch system type, the angular resolution, the width of the ghost zones, etc. See the param.ccl file for details.

11.3 Other Software Used

AHFinderDirect’s src/sparse-matrix/ directory contains various sparse-matrix libraries, which have their own copyrights and licensing terms:

The src/sparse-matrix/umfpack/ directory contains a subset of the files in UMFPACK version 4.0 (11.Apr.2002). This code is copyright (©) 2002 by Timothy A. Davis, and is subect to the UMFPACK License:

Your use or distribution of UMFPACK or any modified version of
UMFPACK implies that you agree to this License.


Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program, provided
that the Copyright, this License, and the Availability of the original
version is retained on all copies.  User documentation of any code that
uses UMFPACK or any modified version of UMFPACK code must cite the
Copyright, this License, the Availability note, and "Used by permission."
Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
provided the Copyright, this License, and the Availability note are
retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included.  This
software was developed with support from the National Science Foundation,
and is provided to you free of charge.

12 Other Related Thorns

If you’re interested in AHFinderDirect, you might also be interested in some other related thorns:


(in the AEIDevelopment arrangement) was written by Peter Diener, and finds the event horizon(s) in a numerically computed spacetime. It’s described in detail in the paper [?].


(in the CactusEinstein arrangement) was written by Miguel Alcubierre, and includes two different algorithms for finding apparent horizons, a minimization method and a “fast flow” method based on [?]. Unfortunately, both methods are very slow in practice.


(in the TAT arrangement) was written by Erik Schnetter, and is another apparent horizon finder. It uses methods very similar to this thorn, and (like this thorn) is very fast and accurate. However, it’s no longer under active development. It’s described in detail in the papers [?] and [?].

AHFinderDirect (Erik branch)

(in the AEIThorns arrangement)
Erik Schnetter has added a number of new features to AHFinderDirect on a CVS branch with the tag Erik, including horizon pretracking (to locate places where horizons are about to form), and the ability to find constant-expansion and constant-mean-curvature surfaces specified by their areal radius. We hope to integrate these into the main AHFinderDirect branch during the summer of 2004.

13 Acknowledgments

I thank Peter Diener, Ian Hawke, and Erik Schnetter for many valuable conversations. I think Thomas Radke for his work on the new interpolators. I thank the whole Cactus crew for a great infrastructure!

Erik Schnetter originally implemented a number of improvements to this thorn, notably the SphericalSurface interface and the new features in the Erik branch.

I thank the Alexander von Humboldt foundation and the AEI visitors’ and postdoctoral fellowships programs for financial support.

14 Parameters

Scope: private STRING

Description: extension for ASCII (gnuplot) data files

Range Default: gp
any nonempty string

Scope: private STRING

Description: base file name for BH diagnostics output file(s)

Range Default: BH_diagnostics
any nonempty string

Scope: private STRING

Description: directory for BH diagnostics output file(s)

Range Default: (none)
any nonempty string
an empty string to default to IO::out_dir

Scope: private STRING

Description: extension for BH diagnostics data files

Range Default: gp
any nonempty string

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we check the interpolated geometry variables are finite?

Default: true

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we check that horizon shape function h is finite?

Default: true

Scope: private STRING

Description: name under which the coordinate system is registered in Cactus

Range Default: cart3d
any nonempty string

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we output {h, Theta, delta_h}at each Newton iteration?

Default: false

Scope: private STRING

Description: base file name for horizon-shape-update Delta_h output file(s)

Range Default: Delta_h
any nonempty string

Scope: private INT

Description: the other horizon that this horizon depends on

Range Default: (none)
the horizon is independent
horizon index

Scope: private REAL

Description: search for a surface with this (constant) value

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: factor between this horizon’s and the other horizon’s desired value, applied before the offset

Range Default: 1.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: difference between this horizon’s and the other horizon’s desired value, applied after the factor

Range Default: 0.0

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should this horizon be disabled?

Default: false

Scope: private INT

Description: when should we stop finding individual apparent horizons?

Range Default: -1
after this iteration (exclusively)
do not use this parameter

Scope: private REAL

Description: when should we stop finding individual apparent horizons?

Range Default: 0.0
”after this time (exclusively); ignore this value if it is less than or equal to find_after_individua l_time”

Scope: private INT

Description: when should we start to find individual apparent horizons?

Range Default: (none)
after this iteration (inclusively)

Scope: private REAL

Description: when should we start to find individual apparent horizons?

Range Default: 0.0
after this time (inclusively)

Scope: private INT

Description: how often should we try to find apparent horizons?

Range Default: 1
don’t find AHs at all (this thorn is a no-op)
any integer >= 1

Scope: private INT

Description: how often should we try to find individual apparent horizons? (overrides find_every)

Range Default: -1
use the value of find_every
don’t find this AH at all
any integer >= 1

Scope: private REAL

Description: finite diff pseuo-grid spacing for computing partial_k g_ij

Range Default: 1.0e-6
any real number > 0

Scope: private REAL

Description: threshold for sinˆ2  theta = (xˆ2  +yˆ2  )/r2ˆ  below which we use z axis limits

Range Default: 1.0e-9
this should be somewhat above the floating-point roundoff level

Scope: private REAL

Description: mass of Schwarzschild BH

Range Default: 1.0
BH mass = any real number > 0

Scope: private REAL

Description: x coordinate of Schwarzschild BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: y coordinate of Schwarzschild BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: z coordinate of Schwarzschild BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private STRING

Description: name under which the geometry interpolation operator is registered in Cactus

Range Default: Hermite polynomial interpolation
any nonempty string

Scope: private STRING

Description: parameters for the geometry interpolator

Range Default: order=2 boundary_off_centering_tolerance={1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10} boundary_extrapolation_tolerance={0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}
”any string acceptable to Util_TableSetFromStr ing() and to the interpolator”

Scope: private INT

Description: number of ghost zones on each side of a patch

Range Default: 2
any integer >= 0

Scope: private STRING

Description: base file name for horizon shape h input/output file(s)

Range Default: h
any nonempty string

Scope: private STRING

Description: directory for horizon shape and other similar output (or input) file(s)

Range Default: (none)
any nonempty string
an empty string to default to IO::out_dir

Scope: private INT

Description: minimum number of digits for the iteration number in the file name

Range Default: (none)

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we hard-wire the geometry to Schwarzschild/EF instead of interpolating from the Cactus grid?

Default: false

Scope: private STRING

Description: extension for HDF5 data files

Range Default: h5
any nonempty string

Scope: private REAL

Description: error tolerance for conjugate gradient iteration

Range Default: 1.0e-10
negative ==> scale the absolute value by the floating point roundoff threshold, e.g. -256.0 means to allow the last 8 bits of the solution to be in error
positive ==> error tolerance

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we limit the maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations allowed?

Range Default: true
no limit on CG iterations
limit to Neqns CG iterations

Scope: private REAL

Description: x coordinate of ellipsoid center

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: x radius of ellipsoid

Range Default: 2.0
any real number > 0.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: y coordinate of ellipsoid center

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: y radius of ellipsoid

Range Default: 2.0
any real number > 0.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: z coordinate of ellipsoid center

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: z radius of ellipsoid

Range Default: 2.0
any real number > 0.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: radius of sphere

Range Default: 2.0
any real number > 0.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: x coordinate of sphere center

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: y coordinate of sphere center

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: z coordinate of sphere center

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: mass of Kerr BH

Range Default: 1.0
BH mass = any real number > 0

Scope: private REAL

Description: dimensionless spin a=J/mˆ
2  of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.6
dimensionless BH spin = J/mˆ2  = any real number with absolute value < 1

Scope: private REAL

Description: x coordinate of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: y coordinate of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: z coordinate of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: mass of Kerr BH

Range Default: 1.0
BH mass = any real number > 0

Scope: private REAL

Description: dimensionless spin a=J/mˆ2  of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.6
dimensionless BH spin = J/mˆ
2  = any real number with absolute value < 1

Scope: private REAL

Description: x coordinate of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: y coordinate of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: z coordinate of Kerr BH

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private STRING

Description: file name to read initial guess from

Range Default: h.gp
file name to read initial guess from

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: method used to set up initial guess for apparent horizon shape

Range Default: coordinate sphere
read from named file
read from explicitly-named input file
read from h file
read from input file named the same as the (later) h output file
set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr coordinates (n.b. Schwarzschild/EF is the special case spin=0 of this)
set to the (analytical) horizon of Kerr spacetime in Kerr-Schild coordinates
coordinate sphere
set to a coordinate sphere
coordinate ellipsoid
set to a coordinate ellipsoid

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: how do we compute integrals over the horizon?

Range Default: automatic choice
alternate name for trapezoid rule
trapezoid rule
trapezoid rule (2nd order for smooth functions)
alternate name for Simpson’s rule
Simpson’s rule
Simpson’s rule (4th order for smooth fns, requires N to be even)
Simpson (variant)
alternate name for Simpson’s rule variant
see [1] below
Simpson’s rule variant (4th order for smooth fns, requires N >= 7)
automatic choice
choose Simpson’s rule or variant if applicable, otherwise trapezoid rule


Simpson’s rule (variant)

Scope: private STRING

Description: name under which the interpatch interpolation operator is registered in Cactus

Range Default: Lagrange polynomial interpolation
any string (in practice it should be nonempty)

Scope: private STRING

Description: parameters for the interpatch interpolator

Range Default: order=5
”any string acceptable to Util_TableSetFromStr ing() and to the interpolator”

Scope: private STRING

Description: base file name for Jacobian output file(s)

Range Default: Jacobian.dat
any valid file name

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: how do we compute the Jacobian matrix?

Range Default: symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr
see [1] below
n.b. this is *very* slow
see [1] below
fast, tricky programming, uses only gij, dx gij, Kij
see [1] below
fast, tricky programming, uses gij, dx gij, dxx gij, Kij, dx Kij


numerical perturbation


symbolic differentiation with finite diff d/dr


symbolic differentiation

Scope: private REAL

Description: perturbation amplitude for 1-sided finite differencing for Jacobians

Range Default: 1.0e-6
any real number > 0

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: how do we store/linear-solve the Jacobian matrix?

Range Default: row-oriented sparse matrix/UMFPACK
dense matrix/LAPACK
store as (Fortran) dense matrix, solve with LAPACK routines
see [1] below
store as sparse matrix (row-oriented storage format), solve with ILUCG (incomplete LU decomposition - conjugate gradient) method
see [1] below
store as sparse matrix (row-oriented storage format), solve with UMFPACK (sparse LU decomposition) method


row-oriented sparse matrix/ILUCG


row-oriented sparse matrix/UMFPACK

Scope: private REAL

Description: thickness (in Cactus base grid spacings) of the ’buffer’ mask region

Range Default: 5.0
any real number; typically this will be positive

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we prevent the inside & buffer regions from ever shrinking?

Default: true

Scope: private REAL

Description: radius multiplier to define the ’inside’ mask region

Range Default: 0.8
any positive real number; typically this will be slightly less than 1.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: radius offset (in Cactus base grid spacings) to define the ’inside’ mask region

Range Default: -5.0
any real number; typically this will be negative

Scope: private REAL

Description: don’t let horizon move > this fraction of mean radius in a Newton iteration

Range Default: 0.1
any positive real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: max mean-coordinate-radius allowed for any trial surface before we give up and say we can’t find this horizon

Range Default: 1.0e10
any positive real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: max ——Theta——_infinity allowed for any trial surface before we give up and say we can’t find this horizon

Range Default: 1.0e10
any positive real number

Scope: private INT

Description: max number of consecutive iterations during which ——Theta——_infinity is allowed to grow before we give up and say we can’t find this horizon

Range Default: (none)
infinitly many
that many

Scope: private INT

Description: max number of consecutive iterations during which ——Theta——_infinity is allowed to oscillate without shrinking before we give up and say we can’t find this horizon

Range Default: (none)
infinitly many
that many

Scope: private INT

Description: the maximum of all N_zones_per_right_angle

Range Default: 18
”must be at least the maximum of all N_zones_per_right_an gle”

Scope: private INT

Description: maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up when initially finding a given horizon

Range Default: 20
any positive integer

Scope: private INT

Description: maximum number of Newton iterations before giving up when re-finding a given horizon after finding it before

Range Default: 10
any positive integer

Scope: private STRING

Description: base file name for mean_curvature(h) output file(s)

Range Default: mean_curvature
any nonempty string

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: what should this thorn do for each apparent horizon?

Range Default: find horizons
evaluate expansions
evaluate the LHS function Theta(h)
see [1] below
”compute/print horizon 1’s J[Theta(h)] Jacobian matrix (possibly in multiple ways, depending on the test_all_Jacobian_me thods parameter)”
find horizons
find the apparent horizon


test expansion Jacobians

Scope: private REAL

Description: only set mask if min r_inner >= this number of local grid spacings

Range Default: -1.0e10
any real number

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: move the origins with the horizons

Default: no

Scope: private INT

Description: number of apparent horizons to search for

Range Default: 1
turn this thorn into a fancy no-op :)
search for this many apparent horizons

Scope: private INT

Description: sets angular resolution of patch systems

Range Default: 18
any integer >= 1; must be even for patch systems other than full-sphere

Scope: private STRING

Description: name of the new-style mask bit field (’type’) as registered with SpaceMask

Range Default: mask
any valid bit field (’type’) name registered with the SpaceMask thorn

Scope: private STRING

Description: set the specified bit field of the new-style mask to this named state at grid points in the ’buffer’ region

Range Default: buffer
any state name registered with the SpaceMask thorn

Scope: private STRING

Description: name of the new-style mask grid function

Range Default: SpaceMask::space_mask
any valid Cactus grid function name

Scope: private STRING

Description: set the specified bit field of the new-style mask to this named state at grid points in the ’inside’ region

Range Default: inside
any state name registered with the SpaceMask thorn

Scope: private STRING

Description: set the specified bit field of the new-style mask to this named state at grid points in the ’outside’ region

Range Default: outside
any state name registered with the SpaceMask thorn

Scope: private REAL

Description: set the old-style mask to this value in the ’buffer’ region

Range Default: 0.5
any real number

Scope: private STRING

Description: name of the old-style mask grid function

Range Default: SpaceMask::emask
any valid Cactus grid function name

Scope: private REAL

Description: set the old-style mask to this value in the ’inside’ region

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: set the old-style mask to this value in the ’outside’ region

Range Default: 1.0
any real number

Scope: private STRING

Description: file name extension for OpenDX control files

Range Default: dx
any nonempty string

Scope: private REAL

Description: global x coordinate of patch system origin

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: global y coordinate of patch system origin

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private REAL

Description: global z coordinate of patch system origin

Range Default: 0.0
any real number

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: output h and Theta(h) as ASCII files

Default: yes

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we output BH diagnostics to a data file for each AH found?

Default: true

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we include the patch system (angular) interpatch ghost zones in h data files?

Default: false

Scope: private INT

Description: how often (in Cactus time steps) should we output h (0 to disable)?

Range Default: 1
don’t output h at all
any integer >= 1

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: output h and Theta(h) as HDF5 files

Default: no

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we output the initial guess back to the h data file?

Default: false

Scope: private INT

Description: how often (in Cactus time steps) should we output the mean_curvature(h) functions?

Range Default: (none)
don’t output mean_curvature(h) at all
any integer >= 1

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we output OpenDX control files to allow reading of AHFinderDirect ’ASCII (gnuplot)’ format data files?

Default: true

Scope: private INT

Description: how often (in Cactus time steps) should we output the Theta(h) functions?

Range Default: (none)
don’t output Theta(h) at all
any integer >= 1

Scope: private INT

Description: number of grid points that nominally-just-touching patches should overlap

Range Default: 1
any integer >= 0; current implementation requires that it be odd

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: what type of patch system should we use?

Range Default: match Cactus grid symmetry
see [1] below
choose automagically based on grid symmetries and the patch system’s origin
full sphere
full sphere, no symmetries
+z hemisphere
mirror symmetry across z=0 plane
see [1] below
90 degree periodic rotation symmetry about z axis
see [1] below
mirror symmetry across x=0 and y=0 planes
see [1] below
mirror symmetry across x=0 and z=0 planes
see [1] below
180 degree periodic rotation symmetry about z axis and mirror symmetry across z=0 plane
see [1] below
90 degree periodic rotation symmetry about z axis and mirror symmetry across z=0 plane
see [1] below
mirror symmetry across x=0 and y=0 and z=0 planes


match Cactus grid symmetry


+xy quadrant (rotating)


+xy quadrant (mirrored)


+xz quadrant (mirrored)


+xz quadrant (rotating)


+xyz octant (rotating)


+xyz octant (mirrored)

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: predict origin movement when moving the origins

Default: no

Scope: private REAL

Description: step size for value

Range Default: 1.0

Scope: private INT

Description: maximum number of pretracking iterations

Range Default: 100

Scope: private REAL

Description: maximum step size for value

Range Default: 1.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: maximum pretracking value (should be near the outer boundary)

Range Default: 10.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: minimum step size for value

Range Default: 1.0e-4

Scope: private REAL

Description: minimum pretracking value

Range Default: 0.0

Scope: private REAL

Description: initial pretracking value

Range Default: 1.0

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we print timing stats for the whole apparent-horizon-finding process?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: reset the horizon shape to the initial data if a horizon was not found

Default: yes

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: reshape the horizons when moving them

Default: no

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we run at CCTK_ANALYSIS?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we run at CCTK_POST_RECOVER_VARIABLES?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we run at CCTK_POSTINITIAL?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we run at CCTK_POSTPOSTINITIAL?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we run at CCTK_POSTSTEP?

Default: true

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we set a mask grid function (or functions) for all horizons?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we set a mask grid function (or functions) for *this* horizon?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: if we’re setting a mask, should we set an new-style (CCTK_INT) mask gridfn?

Default: false

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: if we’re setting a mask, should we set an old-style (CCTK_REAL) mask gridfn?

Default: true

Scope: private REAL

Description: enlarge the surface initial guess before finding

Range Default: 1.0
choose 1 for doing nothing, larger for enlarging, smaller for shrinking

Scope: private REAL

Description: smoothen (remove higher multipole moments) the surface initial guess before finding

Range Default: 0.0
choose 0 for no smoothing, 1 for complete smoothing, larger for over-smoothing, negative for roughening

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: search for what kind of surface?

Range Default: expansion
Theta_(l) (apparent horizons etc.)
inner expansion
Theta_(n) (expansion of ingoing null normal)
mean curvature
for CMC surfaces
expansion product
Theta_(l) Theta_(n) (product of the expansions)

Scope: private STRING

Description: name under which the surface interpolation operator is registered in Cactus

Range Default: Lagrange polynomial interpolation
the empty string if this interpolator isn’t going to be used
any string (in practice it should be nonempty)

Scope: private STRING

Description: parameters for the surface interpolator

Range Default: order=2 boundary_off_centering_tolerance={1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10 1.0e-10} boundary_extrapolation_tolerance={0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0}
”any string acceptable to Util_TableSetFromStr ing() and to the interpolator”

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: how to modify the surface definition

Range Default: none
no modification
multiply with the coordinate radius
multiply with the square of the coordinate radius
mean radius
multiply with the mean coordinate radius
areal radius
multiply with the areal radius (does not converge nicely, because the Jacobian is only approximate)

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: search for a surface with this areal radius

Range Default: definition
”look for a surface as defined by ’surface_definition’ ”
see [1] below
look for a surface with a certain mean coordinate radius (not covariant, but fast)
areal radius
look for a surface with a certain areal radius
see [1] below
look for a surface with a certain product of expansion and mean coordiante radius
see [1] below
look for a surface with a certain product of expansion and areal radius


mean coordinate radius


expansion times mean coordinate radius


expansion times areal radius

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we test all Jacobian computation methods, or just NP?

Default: true

Scope: private STRING

Description: base file name for Theta(h) output file(s)

Range Default: Theta
any nonempty string

Scope: private REAL

Description: we declare the horizon to be found if ——Theta——_infinity <= this

Range Default: 1.0e-8
any positive real number

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: track horizon origin from given grid scalars

Default: no

Scope: private STRING

Description: grid scalar containing the x component of the origin estimate

Range Default: (none)
don’t use this feature
see [1] below
name of a grid scalar



Scope: private STRING

Description: grid scalar containing the x component of the origin estimate

Range Default: (none)
don’t use this feature
see [1] below
name of a grid scalar



Scope: private STRING

Description: grid scalar containing the x component of the origin estimate

Range Default: (none)
don’t use this feature
see [1] below
name of a grid scalar



Scope: private INT

Description: number of iterative-improvement iterations to do inside UMFPACK after the sparse LU decompose/solve, each time we solve a linear system

Range Default: (none)
use the UMFPACK default
don’t do iterative improvement
any positive integer (in practice a few iterations give almost all the benefit)

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: search for an outermost apparent horizon

Default: no

Scope: private KEYWORD

Description: controls which (how many) messages to print describing AH finding

Range Default: physics details
physics highlights
just a few physics messages
physics details
more detailed physics messages
algorithm highlights
physics details + a few messages about the AH-finding algorithm
algorithm details
physics details + lots of messages about the AH-finding algorithm
algorithm debug
physics details + lots and lots of messages about the AH-finding algorithm

Scope: private BOOLEAN

Description: should we print the gradients of the expansions?

Default: false

Scope: private INT

Description: warning level if the interpolated g_{ij} isn’t positive definite (usually this means we’re too close to a singularity) (error occurs on first Newton iteration)

Range Default: 2
any valid Cactus warning level

Scope: private INT

Description: warning level if the interpolated g_{ij} isn’t positive definite (usually this means we’re too close to a singularity) (error occurs on subsequent Newton iteration)

Range Default: 2
any valid Cactus warning level

Scope: private INT

Description: warning level if we find infinity and/or NaN in the interpolated geometry values {g_ij, partial_k g_ij, K_ij}

Range Default: 1
any valid Cactus warning level

Scope: private INT

Description: warning level for point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid (error occurs on first Newton iteration)

Range Default: 1
any valid Cactus warning level

Scope: private INT

Description: warning level for point outside (or too close to boundary of) Cactus grid (error occurs on subsequent Newton iteration)

Range Default: 2
any valid Cactus warning level

Scope: private INT

Description: warning level if the user sets check_that_geometry_is_finite but the Cactus configure process doesn’t find a finite() function so we have to skip the finite-geometry check

Range Default: 3
any valid Cactus warning level

Scope: private INT

Description: for which horizon should we announce the centroid?

Range Default: (none)
don’t announce any centroid(s)
announce this horizon’s centroid each time we find it

Scope: private INT

Description: into which surface should we store the info?

Range Default: -1
don’t store info
store info into the corresponding surface

Scope: private STRING

Description: into which surface should we store the info?

Range Default: (none)
”use which_surface_to_sto re_info”
any string




15 Interfaces











Grid Variables


  Group Names     Variable Names   Details    

ahmask ahmask compact 0
dimensions 3
distribution DEFAULT
group type GF
tags tensortypealias=”Scalar” Prolongation=”None” InterpNumTimelevels=1
timelevels 3
variable type REAL

ah_radius ah_radius compact 0
dimensions 3
distribution CONSTANT
group type ARRAY
size 6
timelevels 1
vararray_size N_horizons
variable type REAL

ah_origin compact 0
ah_origin_x dimensions 0
ah_origin_y distribution CONSTANT
ah_origin_z group type SCALAR
timelevels 1
vararray_size N_horizons
variable type REAL

ah_centroid compact 0
ah_centroid_x dimensions 0
ah_centroid_y distribution CONSTANT
ah_centroid_z group type SCALAR
ah_centroid_t timelevels 1
ah_centroid_x_p vararray_size N_horizons
ah_centroid_y_p variable type REAL

ah_flags compact 0
ah_initial_find_flag dimensions 0
ah_really_initial_find_flag distribution CONSTANT
ah_search_flag group type SCALAR
ah_found_flag timelevels 1
ah_centroid_valid vararray_size N_horizons
ah_centroid_valid_p variable type INT

Uses header:



HorizonLocalCoordinateOrigin to

HorizonWasFound to

HorizonCentroid to

HorizonRadiusInDirection to

16 Schedule

This section lists all the variables which are assigned storage by thorn EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect. Storage can either last for the duration of the run (Always means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned, Conditional means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned for the duration of the run if some condition is met), or can be turned on for the duration of a schedule function.



ah_radius ah_origin ah_centroid ah_flags  

Scheduled Functions



  setup data structures


  After: spatialcoordinates
  Language: c
  Options: global
  Type: function
  Writes: ahfinderdirect::ah_centroid



  import horizon data from cactus variables


  Language: c
  Options: global
  Type: function

CCTK_ANALYSIS (conditional)


  announce horizon position(s) to other thorns


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: driftcorrect
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_ANALYSIS (conditional)


  set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTSTEP (conditional)


  import the excision mask


  Before: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Reads: spacemask::emask
  Type: function
  Writes: ahfinderdirect::ahmask(everywhere)

CCTK_POSTSTEP (conditional)


  store apparent horizon(s) into spherical surface(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: sphericalsurface_hasbeenset
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTSTEP (conditional)


  save apparent horizon(s) into cactus variables


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTSTEP (conditional)


  announce horizon position(s) to other thorns


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: driftcorrect
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTSTEP (conditional)


  set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTINITIAL (conditional)


  import the excision mask


  Before: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Reads: spacemask::emask
  Type: function
  Writes: ahfinderdirect::ahmask(everywhere)

CCTK_POSTINITIAL (conditional)


  store apparent horizon(s) into spherical surface(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: sphericalsurface_hasbeenset
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTINITIAL (conditional)


  save apparent horizon(s) into cactus variables


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_ANALYSIS (conditional)


  find apparent horizon(s) after this time step


  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Reads: staticconformal::conformal_state
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTINITIAL (conditional)


  announce horizon position(s) to other thorns


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: driftcorrect
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTINITIAL (conditional)


  set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Type: function



  import the excision mask


  Before: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Reads: spacemask::emask
  Type: function
  Writes: ahfinderdirect::ahmask(everywhere)



  store apparent horizon(s) into spherical surface(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  save apparent horizon(s) into cactus variables


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  announce horizon position(s) to other thorns


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: driftcorrect
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Type: function



  import the excision mask


  Before: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Reads: spacemask::emask
  Type: function
  Writes: ahfinderdirect::ahmask(everywhere)



  store apparent horizon(s) into spherical surface(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: sphericalsurface_hasbeenset
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  save apparent horizon(s) into cactus variables


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTSTEP (conditional)


  find apparent horizon(s) after this time step


  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  announce horizon position(s) to other thorns


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: driftcorrect
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Type: function



  set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s)


  After: maskone
  Language: c
  Type: function



  set mask(s) based on apparent horizon position(s)


  After: maskone
  Language: c
  Type: function

CCTK_POSTINITIAL (conditional)


  find apparent horizon(s) after this time step


  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  find apparent horizon(s) after this time step


  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function



  find apparent horizon(s) after this time step


  After: mol_poststep
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_ANALYSIS (conditional)


  import the excision mask


  Before: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Reads: spacemask::emask
  Type: function
  Writes: ahfinderdirect::ahmask(everywhere)

CCTK_ANALYSIS (conditional)


  store apparent horizon(s) into spherical surface(s)


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Before: sphericalsurface_hasbeenset
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function

CCTK_ANALYSIS (conditional)


  save apparent horizon(s) into cactus variables


  After: ahfinderdirect_find_horizons
  Language: c
  Options: global-early
  Type: function