This thorn implements a multigrid solver for systems of elliptic partial differential equations. It uses Carpet’s interface to handle loops over the grid hierarchy and pass information between different components. The system of equations is passed to the solver via parameters pointing to the external grid functions that hold the equation coefficients.
CT_MultiLevel is a Cactus thorn that implements a multigrid solver for elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs). The implementation is rather standard, and it also allows for local AMR grids (in which case it uses a rudimentary multilevel algorithm).
This thorn requires Carpet, which it uses to manage the access to the grid structure (via the BEGIN_*_LOOP and END_*_LOOP macros) and to pass information between the different levels (via the restriction and prolongation operators).
Structurally, the solver can tackle any type of equation or system of equations, their coefficients being passed to CT_MultiLevel via string parameters holding the names of the corresponding grid function. The thorn comes with a number of test cases which should be easy to customize and extend.
Multigrid schemes are designed to solve elliptic equations on a hierarchy of grids, with the goal of speeding up the convergence rate of relaxation algorithms (such as Gauss-Seidel) by eliminating different frequency modes of the solution error on different grids. It is known that relaxation techniques are very effective at eliminating the high-frequency part of the error; when solving an elliptic PDE on a grid, it is then advantageous to relax it on a coarser grid beforehand and interpolate the result back onto the original grid. Complex schemes involving several grid levels, each with a different PDE, can be designed to maximize the speed up. Please refer to [1] for the details.
CT_MultiLevel, along with the rest of the Cosmology arrangement, is released under the General Public License, version 2 and higher. The copyright of this thorn remains with myself.
CT_MultiLevel is publicly available in COSMOTOOLKIT’s git repository:
git clone
A helper thorn CT_Analytic is available under the same repository.
In order to solve an elliptic PDE with CT_MultiLevel, CT_MultiLevel can be simply compiled in, with the requirement that Carpet is compiled as well. The thorn also inherits from boundary and grid for boundary APIs and coordinate labels.
Currently, the equation is solved in a single schedule call at CCTK_INITIAL, in GLOBAL_LATE mode (to ensure that necessary objects such as the grid arrays have been populated).
As the equation coefficients will be set by grid functions, a thorn allocating and setting these grid functions to the desired values has to be included. Another thorn in the Cosmology arrangement, CT_Analytic, serves this purpose. Grid functions of other origin are naturally just as good.
Each equation in the system to solve is parametrized as follows:
All the coefficients \(c_*\) and the powers \(n_*\) can be specified by setting the parameters *_gfname[*] to the desired grid function name. These parameters are arrays to allow for the solution of systems of equations.
The only other parameter which must be set to ensure correct operation is CT_MultiLevel::topMGlevel, which tells the solver which is the finest refinement level that covers the entire domain in which the equation is to be solved. All levels below and including this will be used in the classical multigrid sense (e.g., in a V- or FMG-cycle). The ones above will be treated as local AMR boxes, and be solved via a multilevel prescription; presently, this involves simply interpolating the solution from the topMGlevel refinement level at the end of the multigrid part and relaxing it progressively, from coarser to finer, on all the local grids.
Other parameters control the stopping criteria (numbers of relaxation sweeps and residual tolerance), the finite-differencing order used to discretized the equation, the number of equations in the system, and whether the solution error should be calculated (this obviously requires the exact solution to be known and stored in a grid function, its name passed to CT_MultiLevel via the usual parameter mechanism).
Concrete examples on how to set these parameters are provided below.
When the equation coefficients cannot be passed in via external grid functions (as is the case, for instance, when solving a coupled system of PDEs), then one can resort to auxiliary functions, which are recalculated after each relaxation sweep. The actual algorithm used to populate these coefficient has to be provided by the user; some examples are provided under src/auxiliaries. These values are stored in CT_MultiLevel’s auxiliaries variable group.
All coefficients, auxiliaries, and other useful grid functions are stored in the pointer structure coeffptr, to which the user can further append pointers to extra external grid functions, which are not used as PDE coefficients (and thus do not need additional storage space and shouldn’t be introduced as auxiliaries), but are still needed by the solver. Examples can be found under src/extra.
Finally, if variable resetting is necessary after each relaxation step (for instance, when solving linear problems in periodic domains), a suitable calculation needs to be provided by the user, similar to the examples in src/integral.
CT_MultiLevel uses some of Carpet’s macros to access different components of a grid hierarchy, and its prolongation and restriction operators to pass information between them.
Furthermore, CT_MultiLevel needs at least one external thorn to set the PDE coefficients. The helper thorn CT_Analytic can be used to this purpose, but any set of external grid functions will serve the purpose.
The solver is described in [2], along with a number of examples. I rediscuss some of those below from the technical standpoint, highlighting which parameters need to be set in each case and whether other information is required from the user.
Poisson’s equation reads: \begin {equation} \Delta \psi + \rho = 0 \end {equation} where \(\rho \) is a known source function and \(\psi \) is an unknown to solve for. Its Laplacian, \(\Delta \psi \), simply represents the sum of its diagonal second-order derivatives: \begin {equation} \Delta \psi = \partial _{xx} \psi + \partial _{yy} \psi + \partial _{zz} \psi \end {equation} so that cxx_gfname[0], cyy_gfname[0] and czz_gfname[0] all have to be set to one. The source term can be specified freely. CT_Analytic can be used to set all coefficients, e.g. setting the CT_Analytic::free_data parameter to exact, where the coefficients of the diagonal second-order derivatives are all one, the source term can be set to a linear combination of a gaussian, a sine, and a \(1/r\) term, and all the other coefficients default to zero. To choose a gaussian source term, for instance, one can set:
CT_Analytic::free_data = "exact" CT_Analytic::ampG = 1 CT_Analytic::sigma = 0.5
and then pass the relevant grid functions to CT_MultiLevel:
CT_MultiLevel::cxx_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testcxx" CT_MultiLevel::cyy_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testcyy" CT_MultiLevel::czz_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testczz" CT_MultiLevel::c0_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testc0" CT_MultiLevel::n0[0] = 0
CT_Analytic can also be used to set the initial guess for the solver:
CT_MultiLevel::inipsi_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testinipsi"
Any coefficient that is not specified explicitly via a parameter will be initialized to zero.
Other parameters can be used to tune the solver’s behavior, including the cycling mode through the different levels and the stopping criterion. The parameter file par/poisson.par provides a concrete example.
Let’s consider Einstein’s constraints in the Lichnerowicz-York form and in a conformally-flat space, i.e. a coupled system of four PDEs for the four functions \(\psi \) and \(X_i\):
where \begin {equation} A_{ij}=\partial _i X_j + \partial _j X_i + \frac {2}{3} \; \delta _{ij} \partial _k X^k \end {equation} and \(K\), \(\rho \) and \(j^i\) are freely specifiable functions.
Due to conformal flatness, again \(\Delta = \partial _{xx} + \partial _{yy} + \partial _{zz}\). However, in this case we have the additional complication that the coefficient of the \(\psi ^{-7}\) term in the first equation depends on \(X^i\), and therefore has to be updated during the solution process. This is accomplished by storing this coefficient in an auxiliary function, filled by the function CT_SetAuxiliaries initially and after each Gauss-Seidel iteration. The recipe to fill this grid function is contained in src/auxiliaries/
The parameter specification for this case is then:
CT_Analytic::free_data = "Lump" CT_Analytic::Kc = -0.1 CT_Analytic::ampG = 1 CT_Analytic::ampC = 1 CT_Analytic::ampV = 0.1 CT_Analytic::sigma = 0.2 CT_Analytic::vecA = 0.6
which specifies the equation coefficients and the free data \(K\), \(\rho \) and \(X^i\), and:
CT_MultiLevel::inipsi_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testinipsi" CT_MultiLevel::cxx_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testcxx" CT_MultiLevel::cyy_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testcyy" CT_MultiLevel::czz_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testczz" CT_MultiLevel::n0[0] = 5 CT_MultiLevel::c0_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testc0" CT_MultiLevel::n1[0] = 0 CT_MultiLevel::c1_gfname[0] = "CT_Analytic::testc1" CT_MultiLevel::n2[0] = -7 CT_MultiLevel::c2_gfname[0] = "CT_MultiLevel::ct_auxiliary[0]" CT_MultiLevel::inipsi_gfname[1] = "CT_Analytic::testinixx" CT_MultiLevel::cxx_gfname[1] = "CT_Analytic::testcxx" CT_MultiLevel::cyy_gfname[1] = "CT_Analytic::testcyy" CT_MultiLevel::czz_gfname[1] = "CT_Analytic::testczz" CT_MultiLevel::n0[1] = 0 CT_MultiLevel::c0_gfname[1] = "CT_Analytic::testc2" CT_MultiLevel::n1[1] = 0 CT_MultiLevel::c1_gfname[1] = "CT_MultiLevel::ct_auxiliary[1]" CT_MultiLevel::inipsi_gfname[2] = "CT_Analytic::testinixy" CT_MultiLevel::cxx_gfname[2] = "CT_Analytic::testcxx" CT_MultiLevel::cyy_gfname[2] = "CT_Analytic::testcyy" CT_MultiLevel::czz_gfname[2] = "CT_Analytic::testczz" CT_MultiLevel::n0[2] = 0 CT_MultiLevel::c0_gfname[2] = "CT_Analytic::testc3" CT_MultiLevel::n1[2] = 0 CT_MultiLevel::c1_gfname[2] = "CT_MultiLevel::ct_auxiliary[2]" CT_MultiLevel::inipsi_gfname[3] = "CT_Analytic::testinixz" CT_MultiLevel::cxx_gfname[3] = "CT_Analytic::testcxx" CT_MultiLevel::cyy_gfname[3] = "CT_Analytic::testcyy" CT_MultiLevel::czz_gfname[3] = "CT_Analytic::testczz" CT_MultiLevel::n0[3] = 0 CT_MultiLevel::c0_gfname[3] = "CT_Analytic::testc4" CT_MultiLevel::n1[3] = 0 CT_MultiLevel::c1_gfname[3] = "CT_MultiLevel::ct_auxiliary[3]"
which informs CT_MultiLevel on the grid functions holding the coefficients and on the existence of auxiliary functions.
Further parameters control other aspects of the solution, and can be found in par/constraints_spherical.par. In particular, the parameter CT_MultiLevel::number_of_equations has to be set explicitly to four to accomodate the full system of equations.
The development of this solver has been financed by the European Commission’s \(7^{\rm th}\) Framework through a Marie Curie IR Grant (PIRG05-GA-2009-249290, COSMOTOOLKIT). Please direct any feedback, as well as requests for support, to
Lars Andersson, Mikołaj Korzyński, Ian Hinder, Bruno Mundim, Oliver Rinne and Erik Schnetter have also contributed insight and suggestions that have partly offset my bad judgement on many issues. All remaining errors and bugs are naturally my own responsibility.
[1] Briggs W, Henson V and McCormick S 2000 A Multigrid Tutorial Miscellaneous Bks (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) ISBN 9780898714623
[2] Bentivegna E 2013 Solving the Einstein constraints in periodic spaces with a multigrid approach (Preprint gr-qc/1305.5576)
a0_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the a0 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
a1_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the a1 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
a2_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the a2 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
a3_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the a3 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
a4_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the a4 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
boundary_conditions | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Which boundary conditions to apply to psi
| ||
Range | Default: none | |
Robin | Robin
| |
TwoPunctures | Dirichlet BCs from TwoPunctures
| |
none | This thorn will apply no boundary conditions
| |
c0_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the c0 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
c1_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the c1 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
c2_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the c2 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
c3_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the c3 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
c4_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the c4 coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
compare_to_exact | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Output a file with the difference between the solution at each iteration and the exact
solution, if known
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
cx_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cx coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
cxx_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cxx coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
cxy_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cxy coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
cxz_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cxz coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
cy_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cy coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
cycle_type | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: How should be cycle over the refinement levels?
| ||
Range | Default: V cycle | |
V cycle | A V cycle
| |
FMG cycle | A FMG cycle
| |
cyy_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cyy coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
cyz_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cyz coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
cz_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the cz coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
czz_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the czz coefficient
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
disable | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Should this equation actually be solved?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
enforce_int | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Enforce the integral compatibility condition?
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
0:1:1 | True or false
| |
eps | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Regularization factor at the punctures
| ||
Range | Default: 1e-06 | |
0:* | Any non-negative real
| |
exact_laplacian_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Grid function holding the exact laplacian
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
exact_offset | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Offset between exact solution and grid function pointed by exact_solution_gfname
| ||
Range | Default: 0.0 | |
*:* | Any real number
| |
exact_solution_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Grid function holding the exact solution
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
fd_order | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Order of FD
| ||
Range | Default: 2 | |
2:4:2 | Order of differencing
| |
fill_adm | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Should the equation solution be used to fill the ADM variables?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
fill_aij | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Where does the final Aij come from?
| ||
Range | Default: Analytic Aij | |
Solver | Aij is solved for as well
| |
Analytic Xi | Aij comes from differentiating an analytic Xi
| |
Analytic Aij | Aij comes from an exact solution
| |
fmg_niter | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How many times should we execute the FMG cycle?
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
1: | Any non-negative integer
| |
gs_update | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Update solution immediately?
| ||
Range | Default: yes | |
yes | yes
| |
no | no
| |
inipsi_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Use this grid function to set the initial guess for psi
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
integral_refinement | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How much to refine the grid via interpolation before calculating integrals
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
1:* | Any integer greater than zero
| |
mode | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Which equation should we solve?
| ||
Range | Default: generic | |
generic | Generic elliptic operator, to be defined via the coefficients
| |
constraints | The GR constraints
| |
model | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Model used to populate the auxiliary functions
| ||
Range | Default: None | |
Bowen-York | Bowen-York extrinsic curvature for multiple punctures
| |
Expanding BH
lattice | An expanding black-hole lattice
| |
Lump | Generic compact source in Tmunu
| |
see [1] below | Inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation
| |
None | No auxiliaries needed
| |
Inhomogeneous Helmholtz
n0 | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Exponent of a power-law term
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any integer
| |
n1 | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Exponent of a power-law term
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any integer
| |
n2 | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Exponent of a power-law term
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any integer
| |
n3 | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Exponent of a power-law term
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any integer
| |
n4 | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Exponent of a power-law term
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any integer
| |
nrelsteps_bottom | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How many times should we relax each level at the bottom of a cycle?
| ||
Range | Default: 2 | |
0: | Any non-negative integer
| |
nrelsteps_down | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How many times should we relax each level inside the downward leg of a cycle?
| ||
Range | Default: 2 | |
0: | Any non-negative integer
| |
nrelsteps_top | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How many times should we relax each level at the top of a cycle?
| ||
Range | Default: 2 | |
0: | Any non-negative integer
| |
nrelsteps_up | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How many times should we relax each level inside the upward leg of a cycle?
| ||
Range | Default: 2 | |
0: | Any non-negative integer
| |
number_of_auxiliaries | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How many auxiliary functions do we need?
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
0: | A non-negative integer
| |
number_of_equations | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How many equations are to be solved concurrently?
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
1:10 | A positive integer smaller than or equal to 10
| |
omega | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Overrelaxation factor
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
0:2 | Real larger than zero and smaller than 2
| |
other_gfname | Scope: private | STRING |
Description: Other gf names needed by solver
| ||
Range | Default: CT_MultiLevel::ct_zero | |
.* | Any valid grid function
| |
output_norms | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Output the norms of psi and residual, and those of their errors?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
output_walk | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Output a file with the parameter-space walk followed by the algorithm?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
reset_every | Scope: private | INT |
Description: How often should we reset psi?
| ||
Range | Default: 1 | |
1:* | Any positive integer
| |
reset_psi | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Reset psi after each relaxation step? How?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | Do not reset
| |
to value | Reset to the value specified by reset_value
| |
see [1] below | Reset so that the integrability condition is satisfied
| |
through integrability
reset_value | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Value to reset psi to
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
*:* | Any real number
| |
reset_x | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: x-coordinate of point of reference for variable resetting
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any real number (contained in the domain!)
| |
reset_y | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: y-coordinate of point of reference for variable resetting
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any real number (contained in the domain!)
| |
reset_z | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: z-coordinate of point of reference for variable resetting
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
: | Any real number (contained in the domain!)
| |
single_srj_scheme | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Use a single SRJ scheme for all the levels?
| ||
Range | Default: yes | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
srj_scheme | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Which SRJ scheme should be used?
| ||
Range | Default: 6-32 | |
6-32 | 6 levels, 32
![]() | |
6-64 | 6 levels, 64
![]() | |
6-128 | 6 levels, 128
![]() | |
6-256 | 6 levels, 256
![]() | |
6-512 | 6 levels, 512
![]() | |
6-1024 | 6 levels, 1024
![]() | |
6-150 | 6 levels, 150
![]() | |
tol | Scope: private | REAL |
Description: Maximum residual tolerated
| ||
Range | Default: 1e-06 | |
0:* | Any non-negative real
| |
topmglevel | Scope: private | INT |
Description: Finest level that covers the entire domain
| ||
Range | Default: (none) | |
0: | Any non-negative integer (< Carpet::reflevels!)
| |
use_srj | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Use SRJ relaxation factor?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
use_srj_err | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Use SRJ relaxation factor in the error equation?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
verbose | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Output debugging information?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
veryverbose | Scope: private | KEYWORD |
Description: Output more debugging information?
| ||
Range | Default: no | |
no | no
| |
yes | yes
| |
initial_data | Scope: shared from ADMBASE | KEYWORD |
Extends ranges:
| ||
CT_MultiLevel | Initial data from this solver
| |
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
psi | compact | 0 | |
ct_psi | description | Conformal factor in the metric | |
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
vararray_size | number_of_equations | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
err | compact | 0 | |
ct_err | description | Solution error | |
ct_terr | dimensions | 3 | |
ct_trunc | distribution | DEFAULT | |
group type | GF | ||
tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
vararray_size | number_of_equations | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
residual | compact | 0 | |
ct_residual | description | Residual | |
ct_residual_above | dimensions | 3 | |
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” | ||
timelevels | 3 | ||
vararray_size | number_of_equations | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
coeffs | compact | 0 | |
ct_cxx | description | Equation’s coefficients | |
ct_cxy | dimensions | 3 | |
ct_cxz | distribution | DEFAULT | |
ct_cyy | group type | GF | |
ct_cyz | tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” | |
ct_czz | timelevels | 3 | |
ct_cx | vararray_size | number_of_equations | |
ct_cy | variable type | REAL | |
copies | compact | 0 | |
ct_psi_copy | description | Copies of grid functions | |
ct_residual_copy | dimensions | 3 | |
ct_residual_above_copy | distribution | DEFAULT | |
ct_err_copy | group type | GF | |
ct_trunc_copy | tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” prolongation=”None” | |
ct_psi_jacobi | timelevels | 1 | |
ct_err_jacobi | vararray_size | number_of_equations | |
variable type | REAL | ||
cell_integral | compact | 0 | |
ct_integrand1 | description | Integrand of the equation integral over a cell | |
ct_integrand2 | dimensions | 3 | |
ct_integrand3 | distribution | DEFAULT | |
ct_integrand4 | group type | GF | |
tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” prolongation=”None” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
vararray_size | number_of_equations | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
Group Names | Variable Names | Details | |
auxiliaries | compact | 0 | |
ct_auxiliary | description | Auxiliary functions needed to set the equation coefficients in coupled systems | |
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” prolongation=”None” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
vararray_size | number_of_auxiliaries | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
rhs | compact | 0 | |
ct_rhs | description | rhs | |
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” prolongation=”None” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
vararray_size | number_of_equations | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
constants | compact | 0 | |
ct_zero | description | Constants | |
dimensions | 3 | ||
distribution | DEFAULT | ||
group type | GF | ||
tags | tensortypealias=”Scalar” prolongation=”None” | ||
timelevels | 1 | ||
variable type | REAL | ||
Uses header:
This section lists all the variables which are assigned storage by thorn CTThorns/CT_MultiLevel. Storage can either last for the duration of the run (Always means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned, Conditional means that if this thorn is activated storage will be assigned for the duration of the run if some condition is met), or can be turned on for the duration of a schedule function.
Always: | |
psi[3] | |
residual[3] err[3] | |
coeffs[3] | |
copies[1] | |
cell_integral[1] | |
auxiliaries[1] | |
rhs[1] | |
constants[1] | |
main multilevel function
After: | ct_scalarfield_setconfrho | |
Language: | c | |
Options: | global-late | |
Type: | function | |