Generate plots for the binary black hole GW150914 simulation

Using Mathematica

Horizon coordinate trajectories

To plot the trajectory using Mathematica, download the Trajectories code and simply run

        wolframscript -script trajectories.m --simulations-directory ~/simulations

BBH trajectories comparison

In addition, this code also outputs the trajectory data as a simple csv file. You can then compare the output from the simulation with the reference trajectory using this python script:

BBH trajectories comparison

Gravitational waveform

The gravitational wave strain plot can be similarly produced using this Mathematica script:

        wolframscript -script waveform.m --simulations-directory ~/simulations

To compare the output waveform data, use this python script and this csv file for the reference data.

Using Kuibit

Alternatively, the comparison plots can be created with Kuibit. Kuibit can be installed as follows:

        python3 -m pip install -U --user pip
        python3 -m pip install -U git+
        python3 -m pip install -U tikzplotlib
        python3 -m pip install -U requests

Once the above are installed, the and scripts can be run as follows:

        python3 --datadir /work/USER/simulations/GW150914_28/
        python3 --datadir /work/USER/simulations/GW150914_28/
BBH trajectories comparison h_+^{2,2} at r=500M as a function of retarded time